This is supposed to be a right wing conspiracy sight

If homeopathy works, how come we all don’t have lead poisoning?

Mostly because the supplement promoters tend too be woo-heavy.

As a rule, I take zinc, selenium, C and a B comp every day, plus D when I cannot get outdoors.

You won’t find me advocating, despite some good data on zinc and selenium, because of the heavy-metal-woo factor, and, also because of this:

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He is correct. She is not a doctor.

Homeopathy is the opposite of Naturopathic.

To be fair, while naturopathy and homeopathy are both steaming hot piles of garbage, they are also somewhat opposed to each other.

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They are both wronger-than-wrong; one because of water memory, the other because of vitalism.

You have it backwards and should acknowledge it. Much of todays “medicine” is homeopathic.

I understand that part, but whilst both Christian Identity and Volkish Nationalism might have very different origins for their anti-semitism, they both arrive at peak Jew-hatred with celerity.

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So you are turning this into a race debate?


No, it absolutely is not.


No chance I’m going to ‘acknowledge’ that the methotrexate-steroid cocktail my wife takes to stay upright is just like reducing to water memory.

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Nope, that wasn’t the point of the example to Doc.

I think I read something a while ago where someone did the math on Oscillococcinum - and determined that in order to guarantee that one consumed a single molecule of the “active ingredient”, they would have to consume an amount of oscillococcinum tablets equal to the combined mass of the Milky Way galaxy.

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This would explain why French people are so susceptible to influenza, then.

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No, she’s not a doctor. She’s a quack pushing medical quackery.

You can continue going to uneducated quacks, if you want. Doctors Without Brains.

I understand a mistrust of authority, healthy or otherwise. I get why academia, esp. in its jargony forms, puts people off.

I don’t fathom this hostility to the study, hard work and dedication that are necessary to attain expertise.

Basically the entire Trumpist movement is one big Fyre Fest. I mean how tough can it be? Fake it til ya make it!

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Increase cases have not tracked with increased testing. Cases have grown faster.