This is starting to get out of hand

The end of election night was mathematically impossible. If dems believed the election was real they’d be leading the charge to audit. But they are not, so we all know the truth.

I bet that’s fake news like the fire extinguisher attack.


Here is a direct quote from the poll linked to in the article.

A Pew Research Center survey of U.S. adults in September finds that 41% of Americans have personally experienced some form of online harassment in at least one of the six key ways that were measured. And while the overall prevalence of this type of abuse is the same as it was in 2017, there is evidence that online harassment has intensified since then.

To begin with, growing shares of Americans report experiencing more severe forms of harassment, which encompasses physical threats, stalking, sexual harassment and sustained harassment.

LOL. I specifically mentioned online forums.

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It was nothing of the sort.

How is it mathematically impossible for 150M out of 330M to vote?

and there you have it

We’re already here and it’s sure to get worse.

Each state did a audit per their election rules that were agreed to by both parties. In some states extra audits were done. The Trump campaign paid for some extra audits. And no election fraud was found.
Then there were 60 court cases where no evidence was presented by the Trump campaign. And the EC was certified by a joint session of Congress. Done deal.

And they had the pause to get the votes and they magically appeared. They were not going to make the same mistake as 2016 and not have enough fake votes to make up the loss. We all saw it…

The same people who used the Hilary bought Steele dossier to push Russian collusion lies. The same people who unmasked Americans with FISA lies. The same people who used the IRS to steal 2012 and lost the e-mails and pretend Hillary is not a crook. Same people who pushed the fire extinguisher attack and forget Trump offered Nancy troops. This is just another swamp narrative. We don’t have real news or elections…

And Reuters has put out so much fake news, you can’t trust anything they write for at least 3 years… You probably think Epstein killed himself. .lol!

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Why? Because Trump says so? He is a liar and a crook. And he lost. And if any election workers get hurt because his ego won’t allow him to admit the obvious then their blood is on his hands.

No because their stories keep falling apart and are obvious propaganda… How many times will they fool you until you get wise?

And multiple sources say that they are one of the most honest and least biased news sources in the world. But I think with you guys any source that publishes anything that doesn’t fit your narrative is bogus. So then tell me. What specific things in this article are false?

You cry about trump. Maybe you need to look at what you just wrote? You really think what you wrote is not part of the problem?

I’m not crying about Trump. I think he is a jerk, period. Why is that crying? He lost and won’t admit it.
How does that make me part of the problem?

Imagine in these times a thread started about the dangers of extreme partisanship breaks off into a partisan finger pointing quarrel.

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How the ■■■■ else do you measure it Einstein?

LOL. Also fake news.

You’ve been fooled hundred of times by phrases such as " multiple sources" which mean nothing. Please try to learn from that…

Mod Note

Stop calling each other names.