This is starting to get out of hand

Nice deflection.

How many times will you swallow the garbage the MSM is feeding…and for how long?



rhetoric has been extreme since the inception and before.

If you’d like, I could write a Python script that would spit out your usual responses for you.

Wouldn’t tax the algorithm too much since all your responses fall in a narrow range of variability.

Then you’d have even more time to screw the economy…oops I mean, drive the economy.



Don’t know but I know a way to speed it up, allow the cartels to thrive.


I’m fine…thanks for your concern.

Controversial figures receive death threats all of the time. Unfortunately that is one of the prices we pay for being so connected in today’s information age. Its not surprising that a reporter would single out isolated incidents and blow them all out of proportion.

While I certainly condemn anyone making death threats, my biggest fear would be if people actually started to follow through on a large scale.

While politics certainly plays a role in this kind of despicable activity it actually transcends politics. People from all walks of life get death threats for any number of reasons. It is the unfortunate price we pay for living in a free society with easy access to large captive audiences on the internet.

So is it really getting out of hand or is it simply more of the same? I believe it is simply more of the same, with the occasional sensationalizing of particular incidents by the press looking for a story.

It’s not “more of the same”.

Regular election officials…not just the main public ones mentioned…were also getting threats.

How many people get death threats every day for any number of reasons that we never hear about? The particular incidents in question only made the news because they had something to do with Trump.


Where are you living that you think normal people get death threats every day?

I’ve worked elections in various roles for the last 8 years

Never got a single death threat. Not even a nasty comment.

Come on, man!

Unfortunately this is the world we live in. Following Trump’s win back in 2016, we went through a turbulent period prior to certification of his win. Many death threats for those who refused to change their electoral vote. Very ugly, but it all blew over and no one actually followed through on those death threats.

This turbulent period will also pass and life will go on. While these incidents highlight the worst in human behavior, I seriously doubt anyone would actually follow through on their threats.

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It’s peeling and it doesn’t need to. Politicians and media continue to pour gasoline on the fire while in the last decade and more, idiots on social media suck it all in like sponges and spread contempt of the other like dandelion seeds in the wind…

And discussion forums. Hatred and dehumanization rule the day voiced in hyperbole and truth stretching to outright lies.

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One perfect example, yes. Don’t attempt to blame one side though, there is plenty to go around.

He is part of the problem.

They fought off the Mexican army at a drug raid once, that is no simple fix, but yeah, we need to do more. The legalization trend is interesting from that perspective.

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No, it’s worse.

So the right makes death threats and it’s the lefts fault.

Don’t you take responsibility for anything.


Care to provide links demonstrating that on-line harassments are getting worse. You do realize this isn’t simply about politics or elections or right or left?

According to Pew, it is the severity that is getting worse, not so much the numbers of incidents.

Four In 10 Americans Have Experienced Harassment Online — And It’s Getting Worse (