This is Insurrection. There is nothing else it can be

oooooooooooooohh, now we have demands.

You know what they say:

Want in one hand, ■■■■ in another.

See which one fills up first,

Think of it like you do gender: it’s fluid.

If I post a definition of the word without the violence, will you apologize for being wrong?

Seems like a reasonable list.

We will have to disagree on that one.

Attica! Attica!

One of the demands is removal of all reference to the Confederacy, why would there be any in Washington?

That’s why the Malheur Refugee insurrection didn’t work, they didn’t declare an autonomous zone.

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The Governor of Washington didn’t know? :rofl:

We took over the campus for 3 days. Awesome, possum.

I was, uh, one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement.
Not the compromised second draft. And then I, uh… Ever hear of the Seattle Seven?

  • The Dude, The Big Lebowski
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The Leaders of Autonomous Zone who signed the Big List of Demands.





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not it.
reported today
they have blockaded all six entrances.
they are patrolling the entrances armed with guns
they have demanded money from businesses in the zone
they have declared an antonymous state and said they will not leave until

the police are disbanded
courts are dissolved
prisons are closed
all non-white prisoners are retried (seems unnecessary after 1,2 and 3)
they get hospitals staffed with only black doctors and nurses

thats just the beginning

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Theres no comparison to what is going down the last few weeks to what happened in Michigan. No one died in Michigan, no buildings burned, no housing torched, no injuring of 600+ police officers and unlike Antifa who just took over six blocks in Seattle these guys left peacefully. It is apple to orange only one group was violent and it wasn’t the Michigan protestors.

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pure and simple… armed insurrection.

Because they know what insurrection actually means?

No, not even close.

Very poor attempt on your part.

Those protesters didn’t shut down cities, loot, burn, and pillage communities, takeover and burn police stations nor attempt to force the state or local gov’t to capitulate.