This is how a leader speaks

You know, one of the things that really used to aggravate me was disappearing posts and locked threads on good topics with possibilitities. Mostly because a very few people couldn’t take a hint.

This is an opportunity for everybody to get back on track and discuss, not finger pointing and “He did it first!”

I have given a hint. Please take it.


Give me a break.

Is this the one you want it on?


Lucid moment. Broken clock.

Why not, Wondering is.

Leadership hiding in a basement.


They ain’t black.

It has worked for Trump extremely well, has it not? Platitudes indeed!

If Joe Biden is so amazing why is it the country still has so many problems. The guy has been in public office since 1970. Where’s all the brilliant legislation that provided lasting solutions to all the problems? I mean he’s had 50 years to work on it.


There we go…BDS…Biden is to blame for all our problems. Mitch McConnel has been in politics for 45 years to. I bet he’s blameless isn’t he?

My post is meant to be sarcastic. My philosophy is one of individualism. Regarding politicians read my other posts, none of them are anything special and I’m also a huge proponent of term limits. I’m sick of both the McConnell’s and Biden’s of the world. Are any of these people honestly great so-called leaders. What the hell does that mean anyway.

Are we talking about the same biden who said voting for trump means “you ain’t black”

Yes…he read the script well. Now…remove the script…and a black people become roaches that like to rub his hairy legs. That’s leadership I tell ya.

Seriously? Trump is like a bull in a china shop. You won’t hear any well rehearsed platitudes from him. :wink:

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The we agree. Sorry I mistook what you wrote. In my first election at the age of 18 I voted for Dick Lugar for Indiana Senator. Several years ago voted him out after 36 years. He never saw it coming. It was a result of a grass roots movement to say enough is enough. More states need to have that attitude.

He called us a bunch of hayseeds in defeat.

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Absolutely not. He’s a huge part of the problem.

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The problems in any society is much more a function of parenting along with the narrative that government has the solutions.

Glad we agree.

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“the one” ?

No. All of it.

and 5 minutes later Joe was unaware that he had read aloud at all.

I love this one…Old Joe is now saying he was baited into making that racist comment.