This is good - paul Manaford ex son-in-law

Paul Manafort ex son in law cut a secret plea deal with feds

… as long ago as February.

I’ll bet the ex son-in-law knows a lot…

Links or details?

Don’t know about that brother but it just came across the msnbc ticker

Well, I guess that means he’s no longer in the “Circle of Trust.”

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There is the link…sorry I’m on my phone

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The bitter ex-son in law. By George, I think you’ve got him now.

We know he’s bitter?

No worries. Thank you!!

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Very interesting. From what I have read, there is no confirmation that he has spoken to Mueller, simply that the terms of his plea require him to cooperate with other federal investigations, should the government request.

That being said, I would imagine he knows quite a bit, as Manafort and his daughter seem very close.

Not surprising that he’s bitter after having to plead guilty to two crimes, no?

Looks like Manafort has the same reverse Midas touch that Trump has.

The marketwatch url asserts that he has met with Mueller’s team.

George Straight hangs his hat in Tennessee. Yes, he’s bitter.

His team first spoke to him last June

“Mueller sent a team of prosecutors to interview Yohai last June, asking him about Manafort’s relationship with Trump, his ties to Russian oligarchs, and his borrowing of tens of millions of dollars against properties in New York, Reuters reported in February, citing people with knowledge of the matter.”

Gotta come up with something, I guess, while waiting for the Radio narrative to gel. That can’t happen until tomorrow morning.

Ah, that is interesting indeed. Tell you what, as the various experts have been saying, Mueller and his team are one fast-moving group of investigators.

We know he is George?

his borrowing of tens of millions of dollars against properties in New York

Holy moly! That’s a lot of lettuce. Seems like some rather severe consequences must be attached to fraud on that scale. Wonder how much time his singing will save him.