This Is Antifa-interesting

Yes, I know. I did my master’s thesis on it.

I didn’t go that route, but I did author the CI BNCOC lessons and exams for it when I was at the schoolhouse. I was fresh off a 3 year echelon above Corps assignment in the SOUTHCOM AOR. We were involved in a bunch of “projects” and lots of coordination with 7th Group. I received my first MSM for the work down there. It actually made me feel a little awkward when the Commandant of the Academy interrupted my class to give me the award. Like I told them then, I was just doing my duty the best that I could.

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That’s all well and good, but it’s a general historical perspective. It does not answer the question as to whom you believe is pulling ANTIFA’s strings or what their ultimate intentions are beyond anarchy. In fact, it also does not identify any connection between those grand plans of Marxism with ANTIFA. Yes, I know some of the BLM founders are avowed Marxists, but while there may be some overlap and simpatico with ANTIFA, that organization is not the same.

US Antifa sprung up on the universities here. In my days it was Weather Underground. Since I am not doing counter-insurgency on today’s campuses (and suspect no one is) I would need to do a bunch of collection, pen registers, metadata, and funding analysis to prepare the link diagram to actually name the umbrella entity. But it is going to be individuals linked to the SDS at the top, with ACORN associations in the mid level.

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This is a hilarious narrative, but not reality-based.

Were you an agent? Have you been trained in counter-insurgency? Were you required to be fully familiar with Marxist infiltration efforts going on in the US. Did you have access to all source intelligence on the subject at the time? Do you know what intelligence products are produced and what raw data is needed to identify a HUMINT target? I retired a while back, but the threat didn’t disappear, just evolved. And while my Badge and Credentials are now stamped retired and hanging as a trophy on my wall, I still remember. I suspect that you have no experience in the field and no reference to actual reality on the topic.




No, I didn’t do any of that. But the fact you were a cop doesn’t make your analysis valid - in fact, I’d argue the exact opposite.

My mother was an SDS member, Tom Hayden came to brother’s bar mitzvah. I’ve worked for ACORN. When I was younger, I hung out with a whole lot of people that would be called “ANTIFA” today (we just called them the black bloc guys then).

I’ve lived in the world you fantasize conspiracies about - and your narrative is nonsense.

You think I was a cop? :grin:

The proud child of an SDS member (the Weatherman sprang from and associated with the SDS), who grew up to be part of ACORN and hung out with the Black Block (The source of direct action targeting Republican and conservative events in the 90s and early 2000s), and now you’re all grown up and a proud progressive. So you fell into the sympathizer column, kind of like the dudes who hang out at the biker bar, but don’t have what it takes to get colors.


I just love the “no” image. It reminds me of one of my daughters when I didn’t let her have her way.

Not necessarily literally. But yes.

The Weather Underground was a splinter group that broke off from SDS because Hayden and Froines wouldn’t condone what Ayers et al wanted to do.

Well, it was while ago. ACORN hasn’t existed for 12 or so years now. I’ve “grown up” a bit more since then.

“Black bloc” (there’s no k) is a fashion choice, not an ideological group. But I’ll admit the term is usually applied to various factions of the left.

No, I wouldn’t describe myself as “progressive.”


For such a self-described expert, you appear quite misinformed.

When it comes to progressives they’re usually lulled to sleep.

You notice they change their spots regularly. Change the name, the address, the mouthpiece, even the packaging on the turd they are trying to see, but they keep the same support staff and objective.


Tovarish, Ya bweell agyentom, proteevo razzvedcheeka, armee Soysyednee Shhtatee.

Comrade, I was a Counterintelligence Agent of the US Army.


Remember this?

(It’s a short snippet)

People claiming personal knowledge of actual election law crimes — collusion between candidate / party and the PAC they ran — and though a few people got fired nothing else happened and it apparently all went away.

Me ois vaxen svi a tsibele miten cup in vant.

Yiddish for: You should grow like an onion with your head in the ground


And that led you to become some sort of authority on the organization of the American left?

You’re not even a cop.

Yeah you don’t know what I was, or what my work was and that is actually good.

Oh and please make sure you translate anything you post in a foreign language into English in the same post. Please edit your post.

I know that if you were active-duty military investigating the “New Left” on American college campuses, then whatever your work was, it sounds quite troubling, Constitution-wise.

We had our jurisdiction, the FBI had theirs. The details of it are contained in a memorandum of agreement between the Attorney General and Sec Defense, governed by executive order, with full quarterly disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence Oversight Committees. My service was all pre-Patriot Act. I can only imagine what the operations involve now with full info sharing between DOD intelligence assets and the FBI. Targeting of journalists for investigating stories inconvenient to the administration in power, targeting of political opponents, even targeting of individual citizens for simply exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Who knows for sure what the little mad scientists have been up to for the last 20 years.

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You really are stuck, aren’t you?

On the off chance you’re not just building yourself some self-agrandizing narrative, you can’t prove it - or support your claims in any way - without breaking the law.

It’s and blessing and a curse - It’s a convenient excuse, but it’ll bite you in the end.