Third Party, is it time?

Prefer a party for freedom.Unfortunately the current two party system is full of communists.PM me old friend:).

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All ready did, In Ohio now. Weather is breaking and since I drank your last beer last time I’ll bring 6 pack. Also might have to refresh my memory on you’re GPS.

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If you are building a party to pull from the Dems, then you need to attract Dems. Which of course repels Reps.

Third party fail.

He ran as a populist, then governed like a typical Pub.

He said he would raise taxes on the wealthy…then lowered taxes on the wealthy.

He said he would have a better cheaper healthcare plan, and came up with nothing.

He said he would negotiate drug prices, and did not negotiate drug prices.

Infrastructure? Never happen.

Populist my ass.

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Too funny coming from someone that doesn’t know the political spectrum

Can’t say I disagree. The writing is on the wall for the Dems this midterm. But I’m pondering the concept of a centrist party. Not advocating for one, but I’m interested in discussing the possible ramifications of, say for instance, a splinter party that is 30% in agreement. Not even the 40% figure that makes up the Indy’s. Then we’d have 30% Dems that aren’t always in lockstep, 30% R’s that also have differences, and 30% Indy’s that go back and forth between the two.

We’d probably end up with R’s and D’s compromising a lot to curry favor with the Milquetoast party to both advance their agenda and avoid their siding with one or the other if alienated.

Do you think there should be no restrictions, laws, or infringements on gun ownership?

Not the milquetoast middles.

Shall not be infringed. Only article with that language in the entire Bill of Rights.

There’s actually a lot of us who have commonality with some aspects of the left. For example, I’m a believer in climate mitigation and I support a gradual transition away from fossil fuels for automobiles and power generation.

But a lot of the left makes it really difficult to have any commonality when they insist on infringing on my rights to keep and bear arms.


No. I don’t. I don’t believe in punishing lawful people for actions they did not commit.

I firmly believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms for their personal defense, as well as the defense of their communities.


I do not want to hijack this thread…

One simple and final question.

Are any laws regarding gun ownership constitutional?

Yes, unless you’re a convicted felon. I grew up with guns. The vast majority of guns will never be pointed at, let alone shoot or kill someone.


There will never be a third party so long as the Electoral College exists.

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Already answered. In my opinion, no. They are not constitutional.

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Ok…so no restrictions of any kind, if one is not a felon.

Got it…thx.

The only one they seem willing to accept anymore is the prohibition on felons.

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Once a non violent felon has completed their sentence, all of their rights, including the right to bear arms and the right to vote, should be returned to them.

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because that require oversight by a Judge.
check and balances.

I typed that before I saw your response.

I understand, and disagree.