Things Are Going Really Good

Yeah, the deficit is too high. We need to spend less. We are a debt-based managed economy though.

How’s your rent seeking going?

There we go. Sky is falling. We have to elect dems to save us.

:heart: My society is doing, in the immortal words of Tony, Gggggreat!

I didn’t want to make your society feel bad.

How much do I have to make to be top 20%?

Well, because it’s be cheaper and we’d have better outcomes as several other countries demonstrate? And, you know, people won’t die because they can’t afford their insulin? Basic human decency stuff.

Rightfully so. So far so good.

What happened to all those tea party rallies? The deficit is at record levels and the debt is expanding rapidly.

Well, that’s not true. We were at war a lot. There were riots everywhere. Cops being shot.

I don’t blame Obama, but we’re in better shape now.

It’s cheaper for me to pay to keep you healthy than to pay when you show up at the ER with a life theatening, but preventable condition.

Why is this concept so hard to grasp?

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Trump has not achieved higher gdp growth than Obama.
Trump has created fewer jobs than Obama.
Trump has had slower annualized stock market returns.
Trump has had slower usually median weekly real earnings growth than Obama.

All of this despite a deficit fueled tax cut at full employment.

We’re still at war. And probably adding another one soon, Cops are still being shot. So are citizens.

Re: riots - charlottesville was a riot - a white supremicist riot at that.

You forgot a key word “again”.

So, as has been asked a million times before, when was the last time America was great? When was it not great?

I’d rather the government own me and I get my insulin and keep my house than a for-profit insurance company owning me and denying me coverage and losing my house or dying.

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A lot of the rioting was by black people. That was weak.

Is this supposed to have some meaning?

A sociopath that has been in the public eye for 50 years and seems to come out of every public mud slinging battle with freshly pressed attire.

His critics just can’t understand taking cheap shots at Trump does not work.

Excellent OP.

When you stop and think about it. These are very good times.


Thank you for your contribution. I’ll take it under advisement as I continue to contemplate how good things are going.

Trade deal with China 90% done? Good.

Lester Holt was telling me last night how Vietnam is stepping up to fill the gap left by the Chicoms. Good.

The national debt model is a good one for cell phone consumers?!?!?


We’re not at war much?