They walk amongst us

Yes. Multiracial. Not as black …

I remember him saying he was not African American and people gave him a hard time. He calls himself Cablinasian (his term for his multi racial make up)


Those pesky blacks.

Black is an absolute superlative in our culture.

It can also be seen as belittling to what mixed people have had to endure.

I’ve experienced racism from whites and been called a racial sellout by blacks. Both situations suck. Trust me.

I’m sure that’s true. - but that is a totally different context. We are talking about a bunch of old white dudes calling our first black President a “half black”. So it’s kinda like the worst of both worlds you are describing.

As i said, the one drop rule (or 1/20 in some circles) is racist.

And as we can easily see, often racist.