They just can’t quit Hillary

You got her now!!!

Because he lied about his role in leaking damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Deep State!!!

Um isn’t the statute of limitations up?


No matter, this time they got her.

With Roger Stone getting arrested today, this makes a lot more sense.

Oh I get it. They accidentally arrested the wrong person. Stupid FBI.

What information would that be?


Hillary has been upgraded to full-on mansion in his head.

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Well, hopefully he doesn’t slip on his own sweat and hurt himself, or drown in it.

Gowdy’s a tough act to follow.

A citation would make you look honest.:sunglasses:

Okay… tell me what you think McCabe did to get into trouble.

What was the initial thing?

The President can’t call for an investigation because his previous public statements would remove any pretense of ‘blind’ justice; the AG won’t for the same reason. Graham is the guy who can who can kick the dead horse for his president. What’s next? Uranium One?

McCabe aided in the attempted coup by Hillary and Obama along with his Deepstate traitors. He leaked to the press and lied about it, like Spygate if you know anything about that.

That is fantasy.

McCabe is in trouble because he lied about leaking information to the press about investigations into the Clinton Foundation in order to not seem partisan while his wife was running for office.

Seriously guys.

Every single public thing that the FBI did before the election was harmful to Clinton and helpful to Trump.



McCabe lies about leaking that there was an investigation into the Clinton Foundation to the press

That is what he “lacked candor” about.


There are a lot of reasons why this won’t happen.

The biggest one being that the statute of limitations is already up.

He aided in the attempted coup.
