There is no deep state

There are only traitors. Deep state is just an euphemism. Let’s finally call a spade a spade.

This is a presidency that is soaring high, quite possibly the most successful administration in US history. Critics can’t win on policy so they obstruct, back stab , run to the media and write/share lies. Anything to stop success. Why? They hate America. There’s no other explanation.

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There is no Deep State?

Say it ain’t so!!!

Um, you and old Fat Donald do have a way of trashing up the Constitution.

Critics of the President are not traitors.

They are merely critics, and Lord knows this president gives Americans plenty to criticize.

I criticize Fat Donald all the time, because he is bringing it upon himself, and deserves criticism, all the time.

That is the explanation.

Another thing, I most assuredly love America.

If there was a machine that accurately measured love of ones country I would gladly be the first to hook up and see how my love of America measures up to Trumps alleged love of America.

When are we going to start dragging people behide the work shed like old Yeller.


I love how people are just throwing around Treason charges like that isn’t something people are hung over.

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Shows a marked misunderstanding of our Constitution or a willful indifference to what is in there.

It makes those type of people look extremely dumb when they call political critics “traitors”.

I have never read that book or seen that movie.

"There are only traitors."

By your logic if there be only traitors then there must be ample treason.


U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3

Article 3 - The Judicial Branch

Section 3 - Treason

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

There we have treason defined by our United States Constitution.

Tell me good sir how the OP-ED in the New York Times, titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” constitutes treason as defined by the Constitution?

Tell me how being opposed to a politicians acts and stating such criticisms constitutes treason as defined by the Constitution?

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Truth isn’t Truth


Oh, that is just a bunch of alternative facts. :roll_eyes:

When it comes to our Constitution does anyone out there who isn’t a proud Donny Deplorable Dummy or some other type of Trump fanatic think our President has ever read beyond “We the people” of that beloved document?

There is more than one definition of the word traitor and treason. And it fits a few of them. You are correct it isn’t treason as defined by the constitution.

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I’ll pass that word on to Fat Donald. :wink:

There is only one meaning of the word when it coming out of the President mouth.

Oh? How does that work? I didn’t realize he was limited to using words in a specific manner or limited meaning.

Though I will readily concede he is stupid enough to use it wrong and to think it’s actually treason as defined by the constitution.

The President is accusing someone of Treason.
that is a crime that people are hung for the most serious crime in American law.

Derp state.


By what metric are we labeling this “the most successful administration in US history”?

43 men have held the job before Donald Trump. He’s been more successful than every one of them…by what measure?

No, one definition of treason is a legal one, there are others that are not. As for people being hung for treason, the last time that happened was in 1862 and happened a grand total of three times in our entire history. Nobody has even been charged with it since 1952. And only 13 people have ever been charged with it.