There is no deep state

so your cool with the President suggesting people have committed Treason.

This is satire, right?

Man, Talk Radio with another giant win. They have the rubes convinced there’s a gigantic liberal Deep State and when republicans step up and say that Trump is incompetent the marks that voted for the idiot get more pumped about a Deep State and Treason (even though it’s Republicans sounding the alarm that the rubes put a madman in power even after White House officials consulted a psychiatrist about the madman).

Republican Media is masterful.

It goes along with homophope, racist, Nazi and every other terrible name that just gets casually flung around by you and so many others.

So what’s good for the goose, eh?

I haven’t met or communicated with a single person with an IQ over 75 who believes in the deep state.

I agree with the title of the OP.

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No, I am not. That doesn’t change the fact that treason has more than one definition or whether anyone gets charged with it let alone executed for it.

Yeah, there are a ton of people in my area that are just plain stupid (yet think they have ever answer to every issue in the history of man). Many have their own personal problems that they can’t even conquer.

That’s funny

The shoe fits those accusations though…

[quote=“duffman, post:1, topic:11909, full:true”]
This is a presidency that is soaring high[/quote]

Soaring high is a euphemism for 3am cocaine induced tweet rage fest…

Nobody really believes in the deep state. They just need some rhetoric to vent their frustration about their own personal failings.

The same folks tossed around treason when Obama was signing his Executive Orders. Or when Obama signed the Iran deal. Its a word with a bad connotation, and its easy to use when one is seething with anger. Just like Trump and his merry band of worshippers who are all bent out of shape over over the Op-Ed.

Its like when someone cuts you off on the road, you yell “■■■■■■■■ at them. Are they really an ■■■■■■■■ Most likely not, but its something used when angry.

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that’s almost word for word what Trump would say about himself. these people were either already were just like Trump or are becoming more like him each day. with, of course, a pretty good chunk (like the Charlottesville crowd) being massively worst and in fact evil.

if Trump takes a Nixon like fall many of these people will have supported or thought that both Nixon and Trump were “great”. think about that.

They’re just little Trump imitators, because their personalities are so vacant that they need to be filled with something else.

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Weak-minded people easily succumb to any personality that makes them not feel incompetent and worthless.

the people marching in Charlottesville, with the Nazi flags and chanting Jews Will Not Replace Us…fair to call them Nazis?

Or how about this one - guy owns a company. Says he doesn’t want black people counting his money. Fair to call him a racist?

What about not renting to black people - racist?

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Racist are good people too? :man_shrugging:t3::man_shrugging:t5:

One of the most interesting people to go all Deep State is Hannity.
