The West abandon the Kurds

Nope, it’s Nikki. Who’s next?

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You certainly have no way of knowing that to be true.

Dude. If our own Pentagon is saying they had no clue, what makes you think the Kurds had any idea?

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I never claimed to know and don’t now. I have my suspicions but that’s all they are at this point.

I’m pretty damned sure they’'d have noticed US forces moving out of the area. The Kurds are pretty sharp, thy also have a pretty good intelligence network of their own regionally.

This is very, very weak. You realize that, right? It’s one thing to see troops packing up, it’s another to have a significant amount of time to prepare for the might of the Turkish army coming down on you. But the end result is the same I suppose. Go Trump!

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TDS. Orange man bad.

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Let’s see, US troops pulling out and Turks firing artillery across the border.

You really think that adds up to them not having a clue?

We have no idea what has been communicated to them directly by the US and you know it.


It’s not like the country was unaware that Trumo was rash, impulsive, unfocused, and venal when he was elected.

That is exactly what made him appealing to so very many.

How many of our allies in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism will die?

Most Trump supporters will make their excuses for him.

It adds up the US acting in bad faith and abandoning an ally.

You’re correct. We don’t. Reporting this morning, and statements directly from the Kurds indicate that not much communication was happening, whether that be internally between the WH and the Pentagon, or the troops on the ground and the Kurds.

Quid pro quo anybody?

How long should the U.S. occupy Northern Syria?

America First!

It always has been and always will be about Putin.

Donald Trump is not going to lose a single vote because of this decision.

Didn’t see this coming.

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We should stop sending money to Israel as well. We have better uses at home for that money.

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Cracks here, cracks there. Fox & Friends not on an unity ticket of pro-Trump. Republican politicians taking issue with Trump’s decision.

Trump should be having some sleepless nights worrying about what might happen if he faces a trial in the Senate.

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You mean by Trump?

Because the Pentagon didn’t know about it.

No one will ever Trust the US again. Trump has single handily destroyed the entire concept of the US having “Soft Power”. Our international standing as a World Leader is dead.

Thanks Trumpers. I sure hope Justice PJ and Squee was worth it.