The Washington Post: Official Presidential lie tracker

Only that is not what I said, is it? I’m sure you didn’t mean that though, or that would be a lie.

Obama’s signature legislation was Obamacare, based on lies that you could keep your insurance, you could keep your doctor, and the only difference most people would notice was that their insurance costs would be reduced by about $2,500 per year. When it came to BIG LIES, Obama was the King.

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It’s a summation of the talking point you used. It’s a desperate attempt to shape Trump’s lies, to diminish them. Oh he’s just boasting about some things. Obama lied about Obamacare, Trump lied about his plans for healthcare too. Here’s a fun one:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

You put that in quotes. You use quotes when, well, when you quote people.
Show me where you quoted that from or you lied.
I don’t care about your interpretation of what I said, or anything else you have to say for that matter.

I see we reached the dumbing things down into oblivion point.

It’s really sad how easy it was for a conman like Trump to come along and convince so many of you this type of thing about the majority of the American Press.

I never would have believed that so many could be so duped so easily.

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Yet no republicans or their media stooges managed to document all of Obama’s lies :thinking::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

No. The BIG LIES with regard to Obamacare try to ignore that it was a very small percentage of people that had their plans cancelled because they did not meet the ACA criteria. The insurers themselves chose to drop other plans for $$ reasons, even those that had been grandfathered in by the ACA.

And they try to ignore that there was virtually no one in the country that even had to think about changing a plan to keep their doctor and virtually no one in the country that could not have kept their doctor just by choosing a plan their doctor accepted. The insurance companies did a terrible job at informing people the first year and created many unnecessary problems.

And of course the BIG LIES ignore that health care cost began to rise slower once the ACA went into effect.

Trump lies about our press, tariffs, our trading partners, who his tax cuts are really benefiting and any number of other big things on a routine daily basis. He is a lousy and intentionally divisive leader.

Wrong. I care about all lies. I care about some more than others however. I don’t care what party.

"First, they tried to shift blame to insurers. “FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans,” said Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to Obama, on Oct. 28.

PolitiFact rated her statement False. The restrictions on grandfathering were part of the law, and they were driving cancellations"

I kept my plan… actually got a better one

So down to analyzing the few “lies’ that righties have been obsessing about all along, no “tracker’ needed, just what I thought :laughing:

Who should I blame when I am forced to change plans with every new job?

The government for getting involved in the tie of insurance to your workplace to begin with.

It’s most idiotic damn thing there is. Tying your health insurance to your employment.

Hell, Obama started lying during his campaign.

Are we actually comparing who lies the most?! :rofl:
This is so asinine.
Also…If anyone believes that 45 isn’t a prolific liar then you’re doomed to believe ANYTHING. You can and will be had…easily. :joy::rofl:

That is not how one diagnoses narcicissm.

What if you counted all the times he said “I” in three speeches and then averaged it out?

Now that’s science.

Did the tooth fairy bring you the Brooklyn bridge for Christmas?

It was the impeached president D Trump who has lied on more than one occasion that his father was born in Germany.