The Visionless GOP

Oh and this doesn’t take abortion of the national politics board anyway. Instead of Republicans trying to get majority on the court to overturn Roe they now have to keep democrats from seating enough liberals to undo this ruling.

64 per cent of Americans want the Supreme Court to keep Roe v Wade in tact. Are Republicans not listening or do they just not care?

They care… they have opened a can of worms and they know it.

The problem is a good number of those will still vote Republican because it isn’t their priority issue. While those who want Roe overturned tend to vote on that issue alone.

The crazy thing is, 70% of americans don’t want RvW overturned.

Your party is run by a tiny minority who is using your support to inflict it’s views on the country.

this is the result of the GOP needed disparate small voting blocks cobbled together to have a shot at the WH.

They promise wild and broadly unpopular things to each of them to secure their support, then have to inflict those promises on the rest of the country when they win.

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The GOP is a reflection of its voters it’s no wonder that the GOP is visionless. They are giving their base what they want which is an addressing of grievances based on resentment.

It’s the perfect cover to not have to do any actual governance or come up with any ideas.

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It’s fun to watch the RW media get more and more radical as they fight for more and more eyeballs and clicks.

Then that crazy has to get picked up by the pols to get votes.

Then they can actually do less and less becuase it’s all bat ■■■■ crazy, so they blame more and more, and the cycle starts all over again.

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I think if the GOP actually tried to fix real problems, they’d find themselves more closely aligned with democrats in a lot of ways. And we certainly can’t have that.


The GOP runs on the idea that government doesn’t work and they do everything in their power to make that true.

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OK- and what is the GOP plan for the economy? Beyond platitudes…but actually specific.

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Blame Biden.

Lower taxes on rich people.

Raise taxes on poor people.

Kill Social Security and Medicare.


64% of Americans can’t agree on anything. You might want to review the details of your poll.

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A new CBS poll has found that more than half of the US public opposes the overturning of Roe v Wade, suggesting the leaked Supreme Court draft decision aiming to strike down the landmark ruling would undermine the desires of most Americans.

According to the CBS poll, 64 per cent of Americans want the Supreme Court to keep Roe v Wade in tact. Only 36 per cent said they wanted to see the law overturned.

“They” didn’t do any such thing. Abortion has been an open can of worms longer than Roe v. Wade has been on the books.

Women who were born after Roe are entering menopause.

People don’t like it too much when they get rights taken away.

Especially a right that the majority of the country supports

Sure. Heck. 70% Of Americans most likely don’t know what the Roe v. Wade ruling says. Quite likely, you are among them.

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What right?

If the majority of Americans support it, then the majority will prevail … State by State.

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Read it carefully. First trimester. Roe v. Wade is more liberal than that.

CBS poll. LOL. :wink:

Then they somehow expect the government to solve baby formula shortages and global oil prices.