The Visionless GOP

Rollback to what? 1950? What do you want to rollback to?

I can’t find a thing here to disagree with.

He’s right. Until Trump let’s go of the party, they don’t have to be for anything other than trolling libs to get elected.

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That’s already not true. Trump already lost.

The GOP has been losing for quite a while. Trump was like a defibrillator.

True but the entire party is still afraid of him and his supporters.

Trump lost the Senate and House too. What are they afraid of?

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I think this past election was an anomaly because of the pandemic. I don’t disagree with you. We have to do something differently or we © will continue to fall behind.

I wasn’t making a value judgement…simply stating what is.

I don’t think that is as true as it used to be.

I think it was a huge mistake not issuing a platform in the last election.

I don’t.

What good is it until they have a vision?

Roll back to before whatever the central government did to create the problem.

It’s empty bromides like this that are your/their problem.

It seems today’s Republicans only stand for tax cuts for the rich, benefit cuts for the poor and TRIGGER THE LIBS!

How about some real policies that address real problems.

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Empty. Less is more. I’m OK with that. Let states solve the problems

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Abbott just made govt smaller by ending women reproductive rights in Texas.

Desantis just made govt smaller by forbidding companies to set up vax mandate for private corporations.

It’s like they are really not for smaller govt. :sweat_smile:

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I get that. But given it is a national policy statement for a national candidate…

Yes. A rollback of bad programs is a great program. And “leave it to the people in the states” is an excellent policy for most issues (as Biden belatedly is beginning to believe.
On matters that the Feds have responsibility, like defending the integrity of our borders, the last administration was doing very well.


Truth, given today’s GOP. (Specifically, the Establishment GOP, which is still far and away the largest component of the GOP.)

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For people in those states and the state parties to decide locally.

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