The Velvet Divorce and the fall of the republic

There are a lot of people in NYC who don’t speak English.

Hopefully, I will never experience that in person.

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I understand that there is a worry about a civil war… I don’t know what the complaints are. What issue is worth massive death and destruction?

Culturally and ideologically we really don’t have much of a country anymore. Are we really the “united” states of America, or would it be better to say the balkanized states of America?


[quote=“Eagle-Keeper, post:24, topic:246333”]
balkanized states of America?

Yes this, and they where people warning about this and how increased heterogenous societies dissolves social cohesiveness yet in the need to try and tilt elections in their favor they changed the immigration laws on who got preference in getting in as well as opened up the border to the flood.

Of course the border deal coming will be a joke. The current administration wants to cut border fence to let more in. They have sit around for three years downplaying the issue at every turn.

If the country dissolves they will not look in the mirror at the reflection of the problem.


My paramotor teacher still claims to be from the Czech Republic. lol

There’s at least 12 that I can think of.

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Let’s be brutally honest for a moment here:

This “Civil War” nonsense? It’s being pushed, with a purpose. It’s not organic.


[quote=“Axxowiz, post:25, topic:246333, full:true”]

They are talking a little because it is an election year but the administration’s idea of a border deal is more money for extra people so they can process even more people through the border.

That and amnesty for millions so they can start voting for dems!

They are working on turning us into Venezuela.


Yeah that’s a big issue. If the central divide of the American people is politics and ideology, when you look at where everyone lives in each region it becomes a huge issue. There would need to be World War II sized population transfers for it to work.

Then each side would be obligated to pay for the property of each side being forced to leave. Basically all the conservatives in rural California would get paid for their property, while the progressives who populate most conservative state cities would need to be compensated for their property.

If the border isn’t eventually fixed at some point in the near future that could cause the majority of people to want to split up.

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How would the take the border more secure?

  1. Make it harder to cross.

  2. All these lies about “asylum” need to stop. They are not qualified for the label. There’s no big war or genocide happening in Latin America. These are economic migrants. They don’t qualify and thus they don’t belong here.

  3. Build more security.

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None of that will happen.

What would happen is global disruption as the US flies apart.

If the feds won’t do their job, then then the border states have to do it.

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By leaving the Union.

Which will cause waaaay more problems than it will solve.

What are they supposed to do if the Fed just keeps ignoring their plight?they’ve been begging for them to do something g for years.

Pass legislation that gives funding to be able to actually process the immigrants. That would be a good start.

What won’t help is to create a wide border conflict between multiple new countries from a break up that would destablize the entire planet

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If they are process and allowed in then the job isn’t done.

None of these people have a right to be here. They need to be sent back to their home countries.

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One of the problems with that is that sometimes the home countries won’t take them back.

What happens then?