The vacine data that nobody is talking about

Trending downward really doesn’t mean squat. If he goes below 50% approval (of all voters) then it is safe to say that the majority of Americans are negative on his handling. But that hasn’t happened yet.

Sure. But why bother? I’m hitting you over the head with evidence and your chosing not to believe the data. Your call. I’m not going to try to convince you. Maybe you should do your own research if you don’t like mine? Got a search engine that you like?

White New Yorkers Get Vaccine at Double the Rate of Minorities, City Data Shows – NBC New York

What definition of herd immunity are you using?

Stop spreading disinformation about the vaccine.

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Liberals. Liberals - was your claim.

Link to total number of NYC firefighters and how many are minority and how many of those are Liberal.
Thanks in advance.

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When I was getting my shots in February, local activist politicians were complaining tha the inoculation site was a “sea of white faces” and what they like to call the “underserved “ were not getting their free shots. Having been there, I have to say that was a fair description. That really doesn’t fit with the narrative that it is conservatives that are the problem. Perhaps there is some subset, but mostly I don’t buy it.


It certainly does appear that it is a location deal. It was not surprising that areas that have had the most new cases are In mid-west and southern counties that were very pro-Trump in the last election. And it also appears that early on there were states which were not very good at getting the vaccine out to rural areas.

Yeah, that was the OP all right, with a touch of BDS to round things out at the end.

Why yes, Yes I did. The connection here is really simple. Probably simple enough for a third grader to understand. Are you saying you have not grasped it yet? I’ll help you. Minority = liberal. It’s why all big cities are run by democrats. Is it sinking in yet?

No. I’ve linked about a dozen sites. Your turn.

Not my job.
Plenty of links, but none that back up YOUR claim re political leanings of NYC firefighters.


Some of it does.

But I’ve seen a lot of point #1 happening among conservative friends. That becomes an “own the cons” theory. (Or, at least, own the anti-vaxxers. And if you look at a lot of the discussion on this board, anti-vaxxers are asserted to be majority conservatives.)

I don’t want antivaxxers to learn their lesson or get a comeuppance. I want them to (a) not get covid so (b) my immunosuppressed wife doesn’t die a ■■■■■■■ lonely death.

Win, win.

Guys like Louis Farrakhan telling blacks that the vaccine is deadly and a tool of Satan … And some of the worst vaccination rates are among blacks. Go figure. :man_shrugging:

The most new cases are in NJ, NY, MA, and CA. And that’s expected, given that’s where the greatest population is.

Agreed. And I hope you didn’t think I was suggesting that I wanted that.

I was just trying to point out that this thread isn’t just an “own the libs” thing.

As of May, .8% of Covid deaths were by fully vaccinated. Perhaps someone has later figures.

Is this what you are looking for?

I mean…I kinda want them to learn a lesson