The US nuclear dome/coffin in the Marshall Islands is leaking

Cheney torpedoed the levy!

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Just seriously?

The US is responsible for Chernobyl? ■■■ ?

Hmmmmmm…that same principle you’re applying right now, isn’t consistent with how you take Trump. Doesn’t that sound hypocritical to you?

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This is the type of topic where people “could” come together to discuss solutions. What has been done is done. If there is evidence of leaking, it should be fixed post haste.

To blame climate change is not relevant nor is it productive. My house requires maintenance, my car requires maintenance, everything which man has constructed requires maintenance and repairs this being no different.

Chernobyl is a more pressing concern:

The New Safe Confinement is expected to last at least 100 years and is strong enough to withstand a tornado, according to the report. On the other hand, the crumbling sarcophagus underneath it wasn’t built to last long, and was a kind of Band-Aid approach to quickly contain the radiation during the time of the accident.

So what solutions are being discussed and what is the practicality of such solutions. For example:

So they found this leak since Trump has been President?

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That was… Sneaky… :+1:

My diaper was leaking in 78. Coulda been…

She’s not your traditional politician.

They just want to shake down the US government.

Or so I hear.

it’s not so much of a “hoax” as it is a great big “scam”

right she is the new millennial anti-capitalist kind of politician petulantly indifferent to her own arrogance and stupidity

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Its just AOC being AOC. Why so upset?

A lot of experts in this thread have apparently been to the Marshall Islands, inspected the nuclear waste stored there to see that’s it’s safe and secure, and have determined the whole thing a hoax and shakedown. Thanks for doing the legwork, guys!

Are you taking her literally? :laughing: she exaggerates. That’s just part of who she is.

Where have you seen anywhere in this thread that someone was aluding to visiting the Marshall Islands or inspecting the site to make sure it is secure? Apparently one of us suffers from a reading comprehension problem.

Regardless of the cause, if nuclear waste is leaking we should clean it up.

But because the article mentioned climate change, a whole bunch of posters here went off track and at least one person indeed called it a “shakedown”.

We created the mess…we ought to clean it up.

It really is that simple.

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Agreed. This is really the only point that matters. But because someone mentioned climate change, cons are throwing a fit and pouting.

It was a simple and honest question and what did you choose to do? You chose to go around it and by doing so, you answered it plainly. IMO…hypocrisy is not you and you should meditate just a tad about what I asked?

It is interesting that a poster was able to determine there was no problem and it was just a shakedown. How do YOU think they came to that conclusion?