The uncontrolled release of radionuclides is a real danger and ultimately the US is responsible for the mess. Containing the mess at Chernobyl has not been cheap and will be an ongoing liability for centuries. The same for these islands and they cannot be expected to totally foot the bill. Besides, it is arguable they are owed given the sacrifice they have paid so the US good develop and enjoy it’s nuclear deterrent and the hegemon status that conferred in America’s ascendancy. It’s the right thing to do in many levels to get that stuff contained.
This is what a global warming shakedown looks like. With or without rising sea levels, the Marshall Islands are doomed to eroding to nothing more than a sandbar.
Where do you think all the radioactive fallout that made it to the upper atmosphere went?
It was sprinkled on everyone’s head from 1947 to 1962.
It remains today in shallow hot spots all over the world.
This is one good theory on why cancers have grown more common since then worldwide.
Should we look at the containment to see if a fix is warranted? Certainly.
Is this the biggest issue from the era on nuclear weapons production? Not even close.
Anyone that thinks climate “change” is an urgent issue has no idea what has actually happened in terms of global pollution and probably had a grandparent with too much plutonium in their garden.
Sorry that people are laughing at the ridiculous notion that “global warming did it” (not sorry) but don’t take it so personally, unless you wrote that idiotic article.
The idea is that the rising water levels are now getting in underneath the dome where the US didn’t properly seal it, thus drawing out some of the waste to the surrounding waters.
As the water levels continue to rise, more and more will leech out.
We shouldn’t just ‘look’ at it but do something about it. The waste is known threat as rightfully point out and ‘fortuitiously’ centralized in a way that the fallout from earlier tests is not. When fallout really started concerning the public as the governments of the world tested larger and larger nukes we didn’t just ‘look’ at the problem. We put the tests underground. If we just ‘looked’ instead of acted and blew up another 800 nukes about ground on top of the 200 or so imagine your cancer rate concerns then.