The Undeniable Rise of (fake) Hate Crimes

The number doesn’t matter. Whether there is a presence, does.

and like I said in the first post in this thread, your using the existence of fake hate crimes to deny the existence of real hate crimes by your side.

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They are not fake hate crimes.

What makes a crime “fake” versus “real”? Tell me. Because they are both very real forms of racism. Just because it is hidden, does not mean it doesn’t exist.

I don’t need the media to tell me anything. This forum is evidence enough.

The a certain group on the right isn’t lynching anymore… so that is an improvement.

Some on the left might want to do some reading up on covert narcissism:

“Despite sharing core traits, in a sense, behaviorally the covert narcissist is the mirror image of the exhibitionist narcissist. While the latter demands to be the center of attention, the former feels slighted that they’re not, or gets attention by playing the victim. Instead of working the room, the covert narcissist is self-absorbed. Normal introverts are generally good listeners, but not this narcissist. They consider others boring or ignorant… All narcissists are manipulative . Covert narcissists may add self-pity to their toolkit to control others.”

I predicted there would be a thread on this…

I knew it would show up anyway.

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no one here is claiming liberal are innocent babies.

That’s because CNN covered the event. The CEC covers AOC.

At first I thought this might be about the President, but then he doesn’t have to feel sorry for himself, he’s got his supporters to do that.

Oh, CNN covers Ocasio-Cortez plenty, but its with articles like the following instead of her demeaning mocking racial stereotypes.

Shall I fetch the fainting couch?

You should check out some other right-wing political sites. You’d be appalled at how they talk about minorities, women, immigrants, Jews…or not.

Someone on the Alt-Right last month murdered 50 people.
and people in America on a website called Breibart.

defended him.

Operative words, don’t you think?

The left is extremely intolerant.

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which side has committed more act of terrorism in the last few years?

Which side committed more in all the years?

I didn’t address anything but the intolerance. Nor did I attempt to compare the two.

I myself am extremely intolerant of many things. You are not superior.

The difference is no one is shooting people because of White privilege.

Well, that’s not true at all.

so there has been a large trend of violence from alt-left?