The Un-sanctuary City

Right. The “feds” are letting them into Texas and sending them to Florida. Texas and Florida are sending them to NYC and DC.

And hopefully soon New Jersey.

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Where are they now?

The responsibility is much more heavily on the left. Trump attempted to build a wall. The left fought him every second of his term. They then raised their hands and told the world, if they’ll come here illegally, they’ll provide them free health care. The left owns this disaster and every illegal should be shipped to a sanctuary city and absolutely overload DC.


you do know that asylum was granted under a trump presidency, right.

every day during his 4 year term.

and biden can and does appoint judges, elections have consequences, right?


ATT needs workers, hell why pay them, just give them free cell service.

letting them stay where they entered. seems like a sane policy to me.


Of course it does, that way you don’t have to clean up your own bird seed.

We didn’t let them enter.


Sounds good. I hear Trump’s Bedminster golf course needs more under paid landscape workers.

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Pfizer needs to develop a jab.


You can’t make this stuff up!


It’s working Governor Abbott…keep on, keepin on




I love this! :heart:

Gallinas (hens) coming home to roost.

“Sneakers or sturdy shoes only — no flip flops, please,” the church wrote.

No chancletas?


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hey, ya gotta house the help somewhere

The people going to NY are requesting it. They are not being sent by Texas.

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Is there some concept here that responsibility ever lay with Texas? The Feds says it’s none of Texas’ business…except to provide housing, free food, schooling at Texas taxpayers cost.


the feds let them enter and leave them there.

i agree thats really not a good solution but texas governor shipping them to another state is just giving his problems to another state.


If the feds let them enter, then they become the feds responsibility…not that of Texas tax payers.

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What a stupid post.

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so instead texas should ship them to new york and make them new york taxpayers burden.

so some state is left holding the bag.


They have declared themselves a “sanctuary city”…which is an open invitation.


Thus the beautiful facetiousness of the thread title.