The UK has lost it's Mind... and Freedom

Yet, you know nothing about what’s going on.

It’s easy, just ask Google. Expand your bubble.


You sound very vague on something you are sure is happening so I’ll take that as a sign of credibility or lack thereof.

marx nodding yes

But did you understand it?

I asked for clarification and was told to check out Google.
Can you explain what I’m missing.

A left wing government got into power recently in the UK, haven’t had time to scratch their arses and immediately it is declared England are a dictatorship.

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No, I just think if believe you know so much, it shouldn’t be hard to find what has been in the news for quite some time

Here, I will throw you a bone since you don’t seem capable to do this simple thing yourself. Damn.


That’s usually the goal of every left wing government. You guys imprison people over memes.


You asked me to do your work for you. I can’t help you choose to ignore what is happening

Are you ignoring what they are doing whether it be online or in reality.
They are inciting public riots.

You are a subject, not a citizen.


Don’t change your statement now nor your claim that this was not happening.

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Really, given our history you’re going to say that. Even in England the Royal family are only figureheads.

On paper you should love us. Overt Christian nation involved in a years long civil war.
Isn’t that your ideal.
Only thing is even though we were all Christians, we couldn’t figure out exactly what the right one was.

Especially given your history.

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My ideal what?

deflection from trumps stated love of Un, putin etc.

some trash about anonymous love of Mao, stalin etc.


There is no deflection Allan. The thread isn’t about Trump.


its not about lefties either. i was replying to an unbashed attack on lefties scruples. i have no love for dictators. never have never will.
