The trump stink. administration officals have trouble finding jobs

Sincerely doubt you remember what my stance on that was at all.

True. Some of the key Riffraff from that era is back.

Those poor children… lol

actually its companies not hiring someone who showed such poor judgment that they were willing to work for team trump.

Was I one of them??

I think being fired for any reason is exactly the labor environment Republicans have been fighting for forever, “right to work “. Employers need that agility to be able to hire and fire quickly due to changing market conditions, and if one of those market conditions is the CEO posted himself taking part in insurrection in the nations Capitol and the board removing him that same day to protect the company then don’t come crying to me about it.

All these conservatives talk about the free market and all that. Then the Invisible Hand turns into a fist that punches them in the mouth and then it’s a problem.

Maybe what workers should do is get together and negotiate wages collectively, and negotiate things like what they do in their free time is their business and they can’t lose their job over what they do and say when they aren’t at work. They call it a “union” or something catchy like that.


No more merch suspiciously priced at $88.


How long before the new apology tour starts do you think? :roll_eyes:

I want my MAGA hat…


Biden will be too busy hanging out by the pool side with kids rubbing his hairy legs to be bothered. lol


I was just wondering if you think it’s a good thing??

You still haven’t answered.

And remember, be consistent.

But he has dementia so he prolly doesn’t know where the pool is anymore.


And sniffing the hair of little kids.

Good?? (really not sure how I’m supposed to feel about it)

I never looked. Thanks for the info.

A lifetime of instinct will show him the way to the children.

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Obviously, he will sniff them out.


Funny that right wing companies refuse to hire trump employees and the right blames the left for it…

Trumpists hate consequences for their own actions. So unfair.

Right wing companies have blacklisted these people? Why isnt chik fil a hiring them? Or newsmax? Or simclair broadcasting?

Why arent there bidding wars over these people by conservative companies to have the prestige of having these people on their payroll?

Strange that the right is blaming the left because the right want nothing to do with these people…

I’m sure there’s some televangelist somewhere who needs the sort of skills they have available.