The true problem with trump

Let me clarify, by unknown personality I was speaking of was the political realm.

You are correct, people thought they knew him from television and his portrayal of a hard-nosed businessman in the Apprentice series. Were his lines were scripted, lighting just so, hair just so, makeup, etc. Basically a controlled environment.

They didn’t know how much he lies, has meltdown or how bad he was going to be for America on thw world stage.


Wow. True colors right there.

I think a lot us knew about his abhorrent characteristics including these. It’s just that a significant minority of folks either ignored them or reveled in them.

It ties in with everyone gets a trophy phenomenon that most hate, but seem to really want for Trump.

Trump does crappy things, it gets reported on. It’s really not that hard to understand.

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The nonstop complaining about news coverage of Trump is truly wild. You have to have a blind eye to his antics to not understand why his coverage is the way it is. Also, I don’t like Fox News. So I don’t watch Fox News. I can self censor if I want. I feel it’s better then complaining into the endless void of the internet.


Do you think there are many out there?

Occam’s Razor applies, even if we know nothing else about Trump.


Personally I’d like to see some authoritative research, done around the time of the election, on a very simple question.

In the 2016 election what was the proportion of voters that voted for Trump because they agreed with him verses the proportion of voters that voted against Clinton.

It’s a simple question, but subtle.

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And why it is so scary to admit they were wrong.


False pride, arrogance, fear of not knowing who they are anymore?

“Why is the media coverage of Donald so negative?!?” :sob:

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It just makes me shake my head every time I see that.

The compulsion to point at someone else always and never look to blame Donald.

And based on the pool of Democrats, that same situation is likely to recur in 2020.

Wait - are you saying there might be something wrong with Donald that in turn leads to negative press coverage?!?

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Would that be the four years of investigations, when you had both houses of Congress, that turned up NOTHING? If they had, there would have been indictments, right? You know, like all the indictments in this administration during its first two years, when you STILL had both houses of Congress. Or were all those Republican Congressmen and Senators part of the Deep State?

Which Democrats engender the same level of hatred that Hillary did? I don’t hear chants of “Lock her/him up!” at Trump rallies when Warren or Sanders name is brought up. Just “Those crazy Socialists!”

Did he? Credible citation please.

That’s what Barr is investigating, among MANY other things. I asked a question. Unlike CNN and other fake news agencies who made declarations re Trump-Russia without credible citations.

Ahhh… I see the problem here. Barr - all by his lonesome, not conflicted at all - is credible. CNN and dozens of other news agencies - with decades-long histories of researching stories through documentation and/or two or more sources - are not credible. Got it.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: