The true problem with trump


Really? Exposing rogue leaders in the intelligence community who are breaking laws is undermining the intelligence community?
McRaven is clearly all for unaccountable abuse of power by the intel community. Would you trust this man?

Trump is constant in his support for law enforcement agencies who are upholding laws constitutionally: the police, ICE, border security. How has he undermined the law enforcement community?

How is exposing the two tier prosecutorial record of the DoJ undermining the DoJ? It is the two tier system that undermines the DoJ.

How has POTUS undermined the State Department? This McCraven fellow is long on talkingbpoints, but short on evidence to back them up.

Did Obama direct Brennan and Comey and Clapper to investigate his political rivals using foreign sources in Ukraine, Russia, UK, Australia, Italy? If he did, should he be charged now that he is no longer the sitting President?

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Trump < < S N I P > >

McCraven? Yes.
Trump? No.


I see you are impressed by little pieces of brightly coloured material and metal. I hope you are not a fish.

Having spent 20 years in military service I understand what those brightly colored pieces of material and metal mean.

I’m more impressed with a man that stood up and defended his country then with a man that got a bone-spurs letter from his rich daddy paying a doctor.

So shoot me.


It will never cease to amaze me that this line of thinking is so prevalent among Trumpers. “They keep reporting negative stories about him! Where’s the balance?”

I mean, where are all the pro-Thanos and Pro-Vader stories?! FAKE NEWS IS UNBALANACED.

It can’t be that he’s simply the most incompetent, vulgar, crooked liar we’ve ever had in office.


Nearly half of voters voted for Trump. Now, check out the CNN stories that are based on someone, usually famous or semi famous, who comments about Trump. When there is no real hate Trump story available, they like to quote someone who hates Trump and make that into a story.
Now, with nearly half the people favoring Trump, they should be interviewing and making stories with half the people interviewed being pro Trump.
Of course they don’t do that. Its always “So and So tells us why Trump stinks”.

You can hate Trump and still find the logic there. Fine, CNN has a right to be as biased as they want. It never ceases to amaze me that the Trump haters continue to be blind to their own bias.

You can be as impressed with him as much as you want. No doubt he is a great hero. The issue has to stand by itself. Hero’s are as subject to their own biases as much as anyone else.

I think McCrystal bad mouthed Obama to Rolling Stone as well. It has happened.

Has happened. Not normal. Both MacArthur and McChrystal had not very good outcomes. I suspect that it partially why it is so rare.

You’re not impressed with a man who has won the presidency despite the opposition of, and has weathered three years of attacks by: Dems, media, rogue permanent bureaucracy, Hollywood, rogue intel community actors, internet platform technocrats, and is still standing?

Not really. Trump lost the General Election popular vote in 2016 running against HILLARY CLINTON. Let that sink in HILLARY. The only reason he won was because he was an unknown quantity and by a fluke of the Electoral College which he won because of a mere 77,000 vote in three states because the DEMs didn’t pay much attention to those States. That’s 0.061%.

I don’t think the DEMs will make the same mistake again.

Don’t think there was the great out pouring of support for Trump, more people voted against him in the primaries (he won with a plurality not a majority) and more people voted against him in the general (he only won because the DEMs failed in terms of the EC in three normally minor states).


LOL. No they couldn’t. Not distinguished.

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He didn’t elect himself. He conned a bunch a people and they voted for him. His presidency is their accomplishment - and their eternal shame.


How about the guy who actually killed Bin Laden? …though the only time he shows up in most media (other than Fox) is when he is critical of Trump…as in Trump’ lame idea of having a big military parade.

What you are eluding to is amnesty and both sides have done that, creating the mess we find ourselves in.

What great things has Trump done recently that CNN should talk about?

Donald Trump is responsible for the defeat of ISIS.

He was one of the most well-known personalities ever, having been in the headlines for decades.