The texas revolt

Dude, you’re the only one that’s dodging. Take it up with the OP if you don’t like what’s being discussed.

And that would be wrong of those parents… @GWH

Now tell me how a mask mandate would be any different than the vaccine requirement before school?

Are children under 12 taking the coronavirus vaccine? No? Then put away your false equivalency.

I mean the childhood vaccines…mumps, measles etc.

Your child should be forced to take experimental drugs through a needle just so some lib in a pink hat on the other side of the country can feel better about their miserable life. :wink:


You’re not reading …I said the normal childhood vaccines we all get before school

Nobody was talking to you. :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :roll_eyes:

Why isn’t it recommended that children under 12 get the vaccine?

Are you just being obtuse?..Im not talking about the covid vaccine

No, I’m asking you a question in hopes that you’ll noodle this thing out and answer your own. Do I need to lower my expectations?

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We all are losing to the pandemic. Some groups are actively trying to end it, others aren’t.

It’s over in my state. Thanks for your concern. Enjoy your state.


We don’t live in a vacuum. Especially in a pandemic.

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unless the other parent shoots first… and if they dont then I hope you enjoy prison up until the time they give you the needle…

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If another person touches my child, they can expect repercussions for their actions. Keep pushing, libs.

Since I am running for local office, I see the antimaskers’ tactics up close.

They are definitely using language and tactics to send the message that this is a Huge Massive Threat to Our Freedoms.

And you yourself used the word “Tyranny” to describe it.

Oh, and if it came to it, I’d gladly go to jail in defense of my children. Libs need to ask themselves if they’re willing to go to hell for doing something as stupid as “physically preventing” children from entering a school.


When the Karens form a line… :rofl:


“Local desires”? Good basis for policy.