The Taliban just beat us with small arms. 2nd A works.. Biden was wrong as usual

So you’re all for bombing Americans to smithereens.

While you’re pretending that your follow American soldiers going after your other follow Americans you all will be sitting in the dark, no power, limited food etc.

America would fold in 3 months.

They totally freaked out with only few hundred unarmed Americans.

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Being a big military history nerd, especially the world wars and the Cold War, ya gotta read up on Bombs Away Lemay.

He built SAC, the strategic air command. The entire US nuclear war strategy including the earliest versions of SIOP were his babies. And two entire generations of air force officers after he left the service modeled theirselves after him. So his influence in the service continued long after he retired.

That’s not even including his command of the Far East bombing campaigns in Japan in late 44 and throughout 1945, where he turned a ■■■■ show into a super well oiled machine that basically wiped out the Japanese industrial base.

I’ll never forget the translated conversation piece that said, “This is our land [referring to their village and fields]. If you weren’t born here, you don’t belong here and we don’t want you here. Everyone who comes here are troublemakers.”


Libs and their porn on killing their follow American political enemies.

Where in the holy hell did you pull that out of…lol

You’re the one that we could bomb around the clock with B-52’s.

Afghanistan…Stand closer to what ever you’re reading…lol

I would run away from your comments too.

As you’re doing now…lol

Sounds like Indians

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Natives yes, but with ordnance. :rofl:

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Agreed. The war against the govt is being won by desertions.

You’re the one that said.


“It took them 20 years but they won with AK-47’s”

My response

“We could have leveled the country with around the clock B 52 strikes, cruise missiles, drones etc…How would small arms stop that…lol. Look what we did to europe and japan with a lot less sophisticated weapons.”

Reading comprehension…you should look into it.

We cannot commit genocide. It’s against the rules. lol


A-stan? They’re tribal, they do that.

Are they taking their F15s and nuclear bombs with them?

You’re the one that brought it up B-52’s like it’s some porn.