The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff

Some do. If you needed to, you would.

When did Trump call Fat Stacy Fat Stacy?

Trump just retweets that she visited every buffet in the state. He like fat shaming like you do.

Like your amigitos?

Who are these amigitos of mine? Why that term? And you asked when Trump called Abrams fat. Amd since you were uninformed, I let you know that he just retweets things implying it.

You got something against Spanish?

Actually it was my understanding that posts were required to be in English or have a translation. Is that no true?

I did.


Not the second time. I’m trying to help people who missed the first post.

You’re trying to play ■■■■ house lawyer. Again.

And now we’re off topic.

Shall we get back to Fat Stacy?

Actually, most of those who fear Stacey Abrams do so because she is a threat to their freedoms and America’s free enterprise, free market system.


They are neither “liberal”, “progressive” nor Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries who intend to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create.

You should read literally the first half sentence of your own link.

No it does not violate provisions of PA’s Constitution.

Here again is the article in question:

 § 14.  Absentee voting.
    (a)  The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner
 in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors
 who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the
 municipality of their residence, because their duties,
 occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on
 the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their
 proper polling places because of illness or physical disability
 or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance
 of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of election
 day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for
 the return and canvass of their votes in the election district
 in which they respectively reside.
    (b)  For purposes of this section, "municipality" means a
 city, borough, incorporated town, township or any similar
 general purpose unit of government which may be created by the
 General Assembly.
 (Nov. 5, 1957, P.L.1019, J.R.1; May 16, 1967, P.L.1048, J.R.5;
 Nov. 5, 1985, P.L.555, J.R.1; Nov. 4, 1997, P.L.636, J.R.3)

    1967 Amendment.  Joint Resolution No.5 renumbered former
 section 14 to present section 11 and amended and renumbered
 former section 19 to present section 14.
    1957 Amendment.  Joint Resolution No.1 added present section
 14 (formerly section 19).

I ask you to please point out any place in this section where absentee options are limited to only these situations.

The plain text reading says that for these situations, an absentee option shall be provided. The text does NOT read “for these and ONLY these options shall an absentee option be provided, and that you have to have a new amendment to provide for any new absentee options”.

This section of the PA Constitution is prescriptive but not limiting.

Now…show that I am incorrect.

Those libs who feign no voter fraud ocurred are either working very hard to ignore the facts(fingers in ears going lalalalalalala) involved in the massive multi state fraud or are being disingenious.

One or the other.

Fat Stacy and her ilk want to turn us into a banana republic.

Venezuela style.

trump and his lackeys already did that

Stacey Abrams just had the brilliant idea to hit the pavement, knock on doors and make repeated contacts to turn out likely voters. This has only been the general idea behind elections for like a hundred years.

When she takes back the senate for the dems, she will be a Democratic Party Demigod.


Basically she did the hard work of getting citizens registered and to the polls, citizens who would be inclined to vote for the Democratic Candidates.

That’s that the class that I am talking about.Winning an election 101.


Yeah registering citizens and getting them to vote is such a radical idea.


Shhhh, you are saying the quiet part out loud…