The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff

No. You like fat shaming.

Just following libs lead…or is there two sets of examples?

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You little authoritarian you, telling me what I like. Are you offended? Outraged?

Just pointing out how you like fat shaming.

You like pointing? Very authoritarian. Did you point at your little friends about “Fat Donald” or is your pointing selective?

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Did you point out liberals who fat shamed Trump? Dam, I can’t stand Trump but this is so hypocritical!!!


Didn’t mean to trigger you. You said you were glad fat shaming was back. You like it.

What are you going to do about it? Report him?

:rofl: I’m not triggered by Fat Stacy or your weak attempt to shame me. You can’t shame me prog.

Simply laughing at hypocrisy.

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I’m waiting on Sneak to be accuse of racism and misogynist.

No, I didn’t use that passive tense. I said “I’m glad y’all brought it back.”

Yeah. Because you like fat shaming.

Who knows, at this rate we may one day be able to criticize a BIPOC pol without being accused of racism.

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Not sure about racist, but it’s more acceptable to call a dude fat than it is to call a woman fat. Shouldn’t be but it definitely is!

Quite a bit of hubris in that hypocrisy soup.

Is that what you told your amigitos (little friends) when they were yucking it up about

fat donald ?

Yeah definitely not triggered.

Not at all. I hardly ever get triggered. Last time was 1989.


I have no problem with name calling by the public. I just find it weird that trump started the name calling trend openly as politician(and as president). And now it is acceptable. Strange world we live in these days.

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Did he? I’m not a politician.

Maybe you are? We don’t know who you really are. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My point is you and I can call politician names(slick willie, fat donald). When trump use it daily, it doesn’t seem right. But it has been accepted now. This hasn’t been done before that I can remember.