The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff

Come out come out of the Vatican Embassy or we’re cranking up the AC/DC!! LOL
You miserable piece of ■■■■■


No they didn’t.

Literally none of this is real.

But I see you have found some marks here…

Stacy? :man_shrugging: :rofl:

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
— Maya Angelou


As you have correctly posted, the Pennsylvania Constitution was intentionally amended to allow four specific categories of voters to cast absentee ballots.

Those who:

[1] may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the municipality of their residence, because their duties, occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who

[2] on the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their proper polling places because of illness or physical disability

[3] or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance of a religious holiday

[4] or who cannot vote because of election day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside.

There is nothing in PA’s Constitution allowing no-excuse mail in ballots. Quite the contrary. The Constitution was specifically amendment to allow one of four specific excuses a voter could claim in order to use a mail in ballot.

There have a number of attempts to illegally expand mail-in voting by statute . . . all have been struck down by the Court including the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839.

Act 77 is nothing more than another attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting as set forth in PA’s Constitution.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ they make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

No- there is nothing in the PA Constitution prohibiting no excuse mail in voting.

Point out the part of Article VII Section 14 that restricts absentee voting ONLY to these four instances.

Article VII Section 14 of PA’s Constitution authorizes the Pennsylvania Legislatures to provide by statutory law four specific instances allowing qualified electors to vote by absentee ballot.

There is nothing in PA’s Constitution under Article VII, titled “ELECTIONS” authorizing PA’s Legislature to add other instances allowing qualified electors to vote by absentee ballot. If there is a provision granting such power to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, feel free to quote that delegation of power.


They are neither “liberal”, “progressive” nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries who intend to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create.

See:Stacey Abrams-founded group with Senate hopeful Warnock under investigation

December 1, 2020

A voter registration group led by Georgia Democratic Senate hopeful Rev. Raphael Warnock until earlier this year is under investigation for allegedly sending ballots to residents in other states, Georgia’s secretary of state announced Monday.

The New Georgia Project, which was founded by failed Peach State gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, was named as one of four voter registration groups under investigation for improper registration activities, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said.

The truth is, they are not “Democrats”, “Republicans”, “progressives”, or “liberal" leaders… They are radical, Cuban style, socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.


It’s been 10 days, any news on the finding of the investigation.


So far, the latest news I have seen outlines a number of reportable instances indicating the The New Georgia Project is engaged in an illegal voter registration project.

See: Secretary of state launches voter fraud investigation

Dec 3, 2020

Over the past several weeks, individuals in Georgia and around the country have reported voter registration solicitations sent by The New Georgia Project to individuals living out of state and people who have passed away. One Fulton County resident reported receiving five postcards from The New Georgia Project soliciting a registration “for the same dead person.” A Cherokee County resident received a voter registration solicitation from The New Georgia Project for his spouse who is ineligible to vote. A third complaint said The New Georgia Project sent a voter registration solicitation to his daughter, who is not registered to vote in Georgia and had lived in a different state for five years. A fourth individual reported receiving a “package of postcards” at her home in New York City from The New Georgia Project encouraging people to register to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs.

The article goes on to point out other fraudulent voter registration activities by two other socialist revolutionary groups.


They are neither “liberal” or “progressive”, nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Cuban style Socialist Revolutionaries who intend to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create.

But nothing from the investigation itself. Just speculative stuff from outside sources.

I will be waiting for the official findings myself and then I will state my opinion.


In the meantime he completely ignores the GOP Florida lawyer who was CAUGHT ON TAPE saying he’d move to Georgia illegally and was showing others how to do the same.

:rofl: :rofl:

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Are you suggesting all the complaints are without foundation?


First they used Joe Biden to get Barack Hussein Obama, a socialist revolutionary, elected as president. And then they used Joe Biden to install a Cuban style socialist revolutionary, Kamala Harris, as president.

Correct. Nothing will be found to be illegal. Just using the system as the law states.

Republicans don’t like citizens voting. They do much better with a low turnout.

We all saw what a high turnout election does.



Here is an article about fair fight.

Even the sos realizes there were problems in 2018.

“No one wants to stand in line for, you know, 30 minutes, an hour. Things like that,” says Raffensperger. "So we want our election officials to be prepared for big turnout“

So they ran a better election this time out.

And the democrats won the state.

I see nothing illegal that they have done. Except beat the republicans.

I expect the SOS investigation to find no wrong doing.


Went from +5% for trump in 2016. To winning its 16 electoral votes in 2020.

That’s a huge movement.

It’s blue for the near future.


Nope…this was a personality and pandemic election.

People are fickle.

We’ll be fighting pandemic and economic fallout for the next several years.

Couple that with the fact the GOP still controls several state legislatures, it’s reapportionment time, and SCOTUS believes in legislative supremacy and the gutting of voting rights, and today’s far right is still a force.

And unlike the left, the right is not fickle.

They know the dems cheated…big time.

They just want to test your patience with “denials”. To provoke you and us.

In other words trolling.