The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia's runoff

That point is the big ■■■■ you from the Democrats.

Behind, and underneath, my own determination to drive from our midst the agents of Bolshevism with increasing vigor and with greater speed, until there are no more of them left among us, so long as I have the responsible duty of that task, I have discovered the hysterical methods of these revolutionary humans with increasing amazement and suspicion. In the confused information that sometimes reaches the people they are compelled to ask questions which involve the reasons for my acts against the “Reds.” I have been asked, for instance, to what extent deportation will check radicalism in this country. Why not ask what will become of the United States Government if these alien radicals are permitted to carry out the principles of the Communist Party as embodied in its so-called laws, aims and regulations?

A Mitchell Palmer, "The Case Against the 'Reds

Written in:


And here we are today, in the USA, were almost every plank of the Communist Manifesto is practiced!

See: 10 Ways the Communist Manifesto Has Infiltrated the USA

But what does all this have to do with election manipulating and fraud?


It has to do with the fact that your rhetoric is a century old. The commies have been coming for 100 years.

You don’t care about election integrity or fraud. You were told to care because he lost.


You’re kidding…? Hillary won the popular vote but lost the EC. That’s quite different than what is being discussed in this past election.

Who cares what’s being discussed? It’s only being discussed because he lost. You know it too and you trying to rationalize it is precious.

Have I told you I luv u yet today? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :tumbler_glass:

And let us not forget that there was plenty of talk about the election being stolen from Hilliary. Heck, even Hillary made the rounds claiming the election was stolen from her:



Aside from that and as I previously stated, I think most voters want honest elections, regardless of their party affiliation. But the Democrat Party Leadership, which is now controlled by radical revolutionaries, have repeatedly shown a willingness to lie, cheat and use any means of deception to win power. A typical example is how the Democrat Party Leadership fights tooth and nail against such things as requiring voter identification.



See that’s the thing of it. You are missing out on the fun of watching this holier than though positions you guys hold while accusing libs of being the smartest kids in every room.

He? There is no mention of a “he” in the title of the thread which reads

The Stacey Abrams illegal ballot harvesting ground game in Georgia’s runoff

Now, where is the connection between the title of the thread and a “he”?


Our socialist revolutionaries are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Yea he, playing coy suits you

Stop making crap up and stick to the subject of the thread without attempting to derail it. The following is what the thread is about:


I’m not sure the position it is you’re speaking of but I try to practice what I preach and as far as the second part…not me. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

We had an honest election in 2020

Your guy lost.


You have Stacey now…


How about 2016?

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You brought up election integrity and fraud. Not me.

I am just giving you my position on why i think you suddenly care when you guys never did before

Your insulting speculation has nothing to do with illegal BALLOT HARVESTING in Georgia.


My speculation is purposefully insulting towards the collective of people who argue for integrity of elections only because he lost. Never cared before not once. Outside of voter IDs you guys couldn’t give two …. About election integrity. And then your guy proved that his popularity can only be outvoted by his personality…. And then he said but what about integrity.

Flag it. Otherwise, the collective is making ridiculous assertions