The squad remains intact

Great news. The 5th Congressional District which is mostly the areas of downtown Minneapolis ravaged by riots, looting and burning can continue to remain the US equivalent of Mogadishu. The “57%” must be quite comfortable with the ■■■■ pile they call home, the misappropriation of campaign funding, immigration marriage law violations and questionable payments to a phony “consulting” organization run by her brother. Yep that Omar is a representative for the people.

Which left is actually in power?

If you mean Pelosi, Schumer and that bunch; I agree with the caveat that they are not “the left”. They are dems. Just as greedy and protective of the power structure as republicans. The only reason they give at all is to buy votes.

If you mean those coming up behind them, I disagree. They are true believers. Industry exists to produce for the social programs for the masses, not to profit. They will allow it as long as they control it.

That the democrat party is shifting their way is obvious.

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There is a contingent (similar to the “freedom caucus”) who are def true belivers. The “Dems” are too entrenched for there to be a distinguishable shift towards true socialism any time soon if ever.

Define “true socialism”.

Are you denying even the “entrenched dems” have moved to the left to accommodate their base?

The whole country has moved left both fiscally and socially. The polled support for social issues shows that. This is different from pandering that the entrenched dems have certainly engaged in to make the base happier.

True socialism - totalitarian control of means of production.

Government Regulations are socialistic, universal healthcare is socialistic but they are not true socialism. They are a form of control however

Why don’t you read their statement again. The fact is that it’s based off of the modern liberal philosophy of collectivism which doesn’t work in the real world.

Even Trump’s base?

Any time you use government to control anything, it is totalitarian because government has the final say. The best you can hope for is one office overriding another in one case.

What form of control are they?


So far.

That law was shoved down the throats of “the people” by leftist judges and by a leftist Supreme Court. The majority of States that had it on the ballot lost and even the ultra leftist state of California voted against it.

IMO all Federal laws should be decided by the Electoral Collage model as it’s more in line with the intent of our Founders and the Constitution and if we did that gay marriage would not be the "law of he land’ in the Republic of the United States of America!

That law is a result of the 14th Amendment. It shouldn’t have been necessary.

That’s right. And only through diligence and duty.

I don’t know how fiscally conservative Trump’s base is. As for social issues i am sure that particular base (which includes bernie bros btw) shares similarities with the left.

As to gradations of government control my definition of socialism (not what i quoted above) is that any governmental intrusion into the private sector is socialism. Whether it’s totalitarianism is an argument is semantics. If the private sector profits despite control then it’s not totalitarian imo but if you believe that any government control is totalitarian I can see that point of view . Because when regs are implemented failure to follow those regs means you can’t produce and you can’t produce because of the control of the government. i get it. I just don’t necessarily agree with it.

“Fiscally” is no longer relevant to either side. It is merely a means to a sociological end.

Even if the profit is determined and allowed by the government?

Why do you not agree with it?

Because I think bureaucracy can act in totalitarian ways. It can destroy capitalism by overburdening the producers. Bureaucrats often engage in cronyism, bribery (lobbying etc) and other actions that make them even more similar with totalitarians. However, totalitarianism is a step further. May be it’s my upbringing in Soviet Russia but having seen what totalitarianism looks like to me, what I see here is of course bad as i set forth above but just doen’t rise to totalitarianism. I hope that makes sense.

It seems that you are denying what you admit exists.

Perhaps the illusion is working.

At the end of the day, men with uniforms and guns still have the final say and if you disagree, you will be locked up. In the name of the greater good.

Oh I agree I can definitely see how my position can be based in a mental block rather than reality.

And that is how we drift into failure.


Yeah the 14th :roll_eyes: favorite catch all Amendment of leftist liberals use to subvert the Constitution.

The 14th Amendment is the Constitution and wholly in keeping with the founding principles of this country. Most notably as laid out in the Declaration of Independence.

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