The squad remains intact

Conditions were just mildly different. My country likes strongman leaders. In fact arguably craves them. It has for a millennia.

America is a left leaning country i just spat out my coffee laughing

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Its almost funny American liberal are babies compared to most other places.

Here’s the mission statement from BLM on the family:

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Which is pretty much in line with modern liberal thought that promotes the notion of the collective over the individual along with a disdain for the notion of the traditional family. So how’s that worked out for black America over the past few decades?

It is not almost funny it is absolutely hilarious.

I fail to see the issue with the though of thinking of family as a village.

How has that worked out for black in America? Dont know they yet to try it.

If anything the notion of village solve the issue of fatherless homes by providing postive male role models.

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Because nobody does that. Why don’t you go ask your neighbor to raise your kids for you. Regarding black America, around 70% single parent households for the past few decades.

And you see how the left here does too. So-called "progressive liberals " see the president as king, not only capable but duty bound to solve all the country’s problems from deciding on who should wear masks to making unconstitutional decisions regarding who can have a gun.

But our country has a 200 year strong constitution that says the states have such power… not the “strongman” president who is only the leader of one of the three equal branches of government.

If we on the right stopped fighting the left, that same love for a strongman would prevail here and… well you know what happens then.

So ridiculing the fight against the left and “the red scare” is alot like ridiculing the lawn care folks for keeping your grass cut when it has never been more than 2 inches high.

Also amazing how they pretend a red scare wasn’t based on justifiable fears. Yes, it’s true, the Soviets were pretty horrific. Nobody made that up.

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no one is asking neighbor to raise children, but if I needed to learn something about building a fence I could go ask my neighbor and he would teach me.

Just because you didn’t give birth to someone doesn’t mean you can’t be a role model in their lives.

what your solution to fatherless children?

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The left’s belief in a strong federal government does not necessarily mean that they see the President as King. The unitary executive was written by a conservative and many on the right loves themselves a powerful unitary executive.

The rest is a fear mongering cartoon of reality. We have been down this road before. Obama = King Putt; Clinton = King Slut; etc.

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The bottom line is this. You can call it fear mongering. But we will keep fighting off the beast of marxism and all its cousins of varying degrees of totalitarianism that will attack weak and naive countries.

It would ally itself with less radical ideologies till it has weakened the strongest opposition… people like me. And then if it senses sufficient weakness, it will finish the attack and destroy not only me … but you as well.

You dont need to thank me. I take my position for my family’s sake, not yours.

And while their banners were all about “the people”, the ideology was the antithesis of liberty.

Again if this rhetoric wasn’t decades old then it would finally mean something. The fear around Obama was palpable but he was a corporatist president. Of course all we hear is that he was going to be a straight up communist.

What you are presenting isn’t reality, it’s opposition to a party with a nice lump of hyperbole mixed in for good measure.


How long was it from February 1917 to October 1917?
It happens quickly.

You have thrown your lot in with the wrong people. I’m not asking for it but I have to say I’m curious how you were led so quickly to believe that these people who call themselves “Liberals” but are actually the antithesis of classical liberalism could gain your confidence. Was it the name, “liberal”? Was it the apparent humanity of giving more and more welfare ostensibly to help others but in reality serving to keep them in economic chains?


It won’t change what I do and who I will vote for.

We are not discussing the retardation that has presented itself on college campuses. The direct result of the religious right holding sway. The left has swung too far in its need to quite the opposition. That is not subject to discussion. It has occurred and must now swing in another direction. I in no way support it.

As to my belief system since you asked even if indirectly - I am a believer in a social safety net (for many reasons and some of selfish including the fear of pitchforks), in criminal justice reform, in understanding that states when given freedom to act sans federal intervention will disenfranchise and restrict the rights of their citizens (dems can be guilty of this too), universal healthcare (again feds) etc. That’s my liberalism. You guys have turned an actual argument (cradle to the grave government) to socialism and totalitarinism (this argument is a strawman)

That’s exactly what it means.

Cradle to grave government is socialism.

Yep…so no federal funds should be used to rebuild what their politicians allowed to be torn down.

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Right that’s the connotation. But that’s something that can actually be discussed. This idea that the left (that is actually in power) is trying to establish totalitarianism and full blown socialism is silly.