The Squad on the Prod

Miller was given nearly free reign. ■■■■■■■■ countries is how he ran his immigration policies.

He didn’t affect the southern border until 2019 though snd but for covid his numbers would have matched Obama.

Anthropogenic climate crisis is not an issue, it’s a hoax.

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Incorrect. Every country in the world had/has more stringent immigration policies and less tolerance for illegals.


So what we are talking about American policy

Is this new tact from “well you guys want to be like Scandinavian countries so let’s do other things like they do?”

You brought up hole countries, not me.

There is nothing “right-wing” about enforcing the law, is there?


Whatever happened to the forced hysterectomy story ? Debunked ?

Miller propagated new policy. I am not talking about the southern border. But for covid his numbers would have matched Obama’s

To enforce existing laws.

Ignoring the obstacles put in place by progs?


Yea from a right wing perspective.

Of course not.

Enforcing the law is a right-wing perspective?

Did the republicans block Obama’s attempts to enforce immigration law?


Changing policy to restrict legal immigration.

Who? What are you talking about?

Miller. Green card limits

Green card limits? :rofl: Are you under the impression that is new? That it is “right-wing”?

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Reduction yes it’s under him.

Redefining merit based immigration.

Your giggles are cute. Ignoring Miller is cuter. You are hand waving at this point so have a nice day

Since the dawn of time. Stop.

Who defined it the time before?


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Student loan debt is now violence

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Uh oh

“Today, the elected leadership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus is calling on the President and all Democrats who believe in the need to Build Back Better for climate, care, immigrants, and those seeking economic dignity and opportunity to come together and deliver for the American people. That means a whole-of-government approach.

Total war!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Chrome dome Pressley is fast becoming a sideshow and the subject of cheap jokes.

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