The sky is falling part 2

Historian fight! Edward Gibbons at 40 paces!

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Donald Trump, the clown who has repeatedly made flippant remarks about using them. Maybe it’s what he and his boyfriend Kim Jong Un have in common.

I am going to have ponder that my Brother. Peace, Bosun

You really should talk to some about that underlying anger. You have not gotten over President Trump becoming President of the United States.

What you gonna do for his second term I heard Canada has great medical benefits. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Example number 9,258 of Trumpists being confronted with the horrible, dangerous behavior of the man they elected president and basically having no response other than “hAhA u mad bRo?”.


Must be those pesky investigations going on right now that has him in such a mood.

The irony in the bolded sentence is staggering.


The president of the United States uses these insults against people that disagree with him. Let that sink in for a minute.

Hell, most of the people in this boards are smarter than Trump, lol.

Is that the conservative board? I did not want to single any boards out. But just a thought.

This reminds me of when Maxine Waters said that she feared Trump would start a war if North Korea fired a nuclear missile at us.

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I noticed he called someone an idiot and snowflake. Sometime one does what one is critical of.

Yep, hence the sky is falling… Afternoon Samm.

No, he just faked battle field injuries to get sent back home before his tour was up.


John Kerry was a good example of a liberal politician.

I see what you did there. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am not sure you are sure what you are discussing.

I never took you for a Trumpist. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And both were approved and supported for years by Congress …

You’re a street guy aren’t you? You should know that being a bit crazy incentifies people to take your threats seriously. When Trump says “nukes are on the table,” people tend to think that he might just mean it.

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