The sky is falling part 2

Slavery? OK, now your post is now gasping for breath - which is odd, because this isn’t even the deep end.

Better men than Trump have bumbled their way into war as president before.

No one calls it the Vietnam or Korean conflict. Kens burns called it the vietnam war for his PBS special…We all call it that. Wiki calls it the korean war too…

All I wonder is, we’ve all caught on that Trump’s amazing negotiating style is to threaten to do something absolutely bonkers and then not do it and act like he’s made a concession, right?

You can call them Bert and Ernie for all I care but they were not declared wars. That’s the point you are evading.

Yes… but they were democrats, and not better men…

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You are #1 American, comrade!

I give up what point are you possibly evading?

If they did not have the last name trump then they are by definition better men.

Tommy, my dear brother Cratic3947 makes great sense.
You should listen, sometime. .

You know the sentence you wrote about sums it up doesn’t it?

Is it that C makes sense? I know C is a very esteemed forum member.

It may seem that way, if you don’t know history… Why were we in WW1, or Nam or Libya? Even WW2 may be partly due to FDR lack of military support, so we were viewed as weak…

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Yup. Sounds good to me.

That is a simple way to look at the world… I get the name now…

American yes.

The world? I guess the dotard is the world to some. I find that extremely sad and a waste of time.

So did Captain Bone Spurs. He always wanted one of those things, after all.

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Fat donald never got promoted to Captain, he’s a cadet bone spurs.

He served his country most bigly. Many, many people have said.