The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

VAERS has traditionally under, not over reported.

How would anyone know?

Sciencey lab coats


from The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barré syndrome - PubMed

Results: VAERS sensitivity for capturing anaphylaxis after seven different vaccines ranged from 13 to 76%; sensitivity for capturing GBS after three different vaccines ranged from 12 to 64%. For anaphylaxis, VAERS captured 13-27% of cases after the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 13% of cases after influenza vaccine, 21% of cases after varicella vaccine, 24% of cases after both the live attenuated zoster and quadrivalent human papillomavirus (4vHPV) vaccines, 25% of cases after the combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and 76% of cases after the 2009 H1N1 inactivated pandemic influenza vaccine. For GBS, VAERS captured 12% of cases after the 2012-13 inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine, 15-55% of cases after the 2009 H1N1 inactivated pandemic influenza vaccine, and 64% of cases after 4vHPV vaccine.

That does not reconcile with this:

"Anyone, such as vaccine recipients, vaccine recipients’ parents/guardians, medical professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and the general republic, can submit a report on vaccine adverse events to the VAERS system, whether they are mild or serious. However, VAERS cannot prove the causality between a vaccine and an adverse event.”


I don’t see a contradiction, historically VAERS under, not over reports, how does that falsify that truth?

C’mon. Voluntary data from virtually anybody who chooses to provide it, which is never verified to be accurate or even true? What could go wrong?

Ignore the science if you like, empirically and historically VAERS largely under reports adverse events.

Unfiltered, random sourced, unverified data. That’s not science.

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 nit a choice I would have made.


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Fauci’s version of science isn’t so hot i might add.

Flip flopping back and forth and out right lying at times.

I love it when Rand Paul goes after him.


Those things are actually happening. Some just don’t want to hear it.

It’s not a matter of denying that there have been side effects from the vaccines or not wanting to hear about it. The point is that a data base of anecdotal information voluntarily submitted from any and all sources, that is never verified to be true, is NOT a scientific study.

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Well said.

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I’ll second that.

You guys say “anecdotal” like it is bad. All information is “anecdotal” upstream. Your “data” is a collection of “anecdotal”.

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“You guys” LOL :+1:

Yeah, you guys.