The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

Just like almost everything else regarding the Covid-19 virus that was clouded by controversy, misinformation and lies, the vaccine is no exception. It should therefore, come as no surprise that it, like virtually every vaccine ever developed, has caused adverse effects ranging from hives to death, in some people who took it. Years from now after the pandemic is a distant memory, I bet anything that we will find that this (these) vaccine is no worse than most in that regard.

This is absurd. People that won’t vaccinate might also ignore road safety? Pure speculation, akin to using numerology. In other words, hocus pocus coincidence.

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I can’t believe someone thought this was not only worthy of study but proud enough to publish and put it out there.

Canada is losing it very quickly.


It’s borderline embarrassing. It’s a reach. It assumes too much. There is a lot wrong with it.

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Remember during the pandemic some guy bought up a lot of hand sanitizer and was selling it at a high cost? People were outraged. I think they kicked him off Amazon. I don’t see the big issue here. Hand sanitizer wasn’t something life saving or akin to water in a desert. Yet people won’t think twice about paying 30 dollars for parking at a stadium. Getting ripped off that way is perfectly ok.


:rofl: That’s amazing!

A sTuDy!

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Traditional vaccines have serious harmful side effects at a rate of one or two per million. This one is more like one in 800. Oh and they are actually vaccines.


:+1: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Over 262 million people In the US have been injected with one of the Covid-19 vaccine at least once. Are you suggesting that there have been 327,000 serious adverse effects verified by doctors?

You’ll never know.

Yes, I see you setting up a denial of VAERS, common tactic.


VAERS adverse event report numbers: According to VAERS, as of Dec. 2, 2022, a total of 415,244 adverse events had been reported regarding the monovalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, including 47,668 serious adverse events and 7,038 deaths (which are part of the serious adverse events).

The only people who made a good decision to get the vaccine were males over ninety.

VAERS under reports, not over reports.

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My physician father in law convinced me it was safe, he dropped dead from a massive coronary a few months ago.

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Your News cited in defense of VAERS!?


VAERS was always judged to under report vaccine harm, with every previous vaccine. Keep getting jabbed, it makes me happy and good luck.

Still … 47,668 is nowhere near 327,000

VAERS is tedious, it is under reported by a factor of six or more.

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From the link:

“Anyone, such as vaccine recipients, vaccine recipients’ parents/guardians, medical professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and the general republic, can submit a report on vaccine adverse events to the VAERS system, whether they are mild or serious. However, VAERS cannot prove the causality between a vaccine and an adverse event.”

My earlier comment was about serious adverse reactions verified by a doctor.

A fellow church member was adversely affected just hours after the 1st jab. Was hospitalized and died 4 or 5 days later.

I heard of a similar case from a relative who had a friend who suffered a similar fate.

Never heard of that sort of thing with traditional vaccines.


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Garbage, pure garbage.

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