The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

It’s hard to drum up widespread fear about a bad rash that only affects gay men … and their dogs. :wink:


Mmmmm. And this is how petty bureaucrats exercise control.

Bhattacharya spoke at the Academic Freedom Conference at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business earlier this month and said that in the current era, “we have a high clerisy that declares from on high what is true and what is not true.”

Notice the religiosity reference.

morgan he's right



on a continent with little/no vaccines and little/no lockdowns
COVID infection rates and COVID death rates
were no worse than on continents that vaccinated and locked down.




Apples to oranges comparison, covid was especially deadly to the obese, of which Africa doesn’t have anywhere close to the numbers we do and the elderly with lots of comorbidities which again they have far less of. It’s almost like it was designed to take out people in the west.



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Well the NY Times is capable of some pretty low-rent crap, but I think the article would have mentioned that. It DID mention that the pop. of Africa is younger, thus
we would expect a slightly lower death rate.

Instead, the initial evidence suggests

  • lock downs and masks and vaccines (most of world) had little or no effect on infection rates
  • once a person had a life-threatening case of COVID, the massively expensive medical treatments used in most-of-the-world hospitals had almost zero efficacy.

More lives would have been saved spending the money on almost anything else.


While I am not a fan of lockdowns the fact remains, the biggest factors in covid deaths are obesity, advanced age and comorbitities. So I would need to see that discrepancy accounted for a valid comparison.

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Called it

Someone please explain what long covid is and what other people wearing masks will do to help


I don’t think it is much of a mystery. For humans to survive and through thrive in most of Africa, they must have a robust immune system. That has been the case for tens of thousands of years. In fact, that is a significant factor behind the African slave trade to the Americas. The indigenous slaves were immunologically inferior to Africans and thus died off from diseases that were not lethal to the Africans.

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The article even compared Zambia (99.2% very poor, zero masking, no shut downs little or no hospitalization) to next door South Africa (80% black less poor, masking shut downs and hospitalization superior to Zambia.) According to the article the UN needed to study actual COVID cases and deaths (because Zambia does not keep good records) but the study found that Zambia, was no harder hit than South Africa which was no harder hit than the rest of the world.

Any group of people who has to fight lions for their food ain’t going to be bothered much by a virus.


If you use one of these you probably didn’t get really sick if you got COVID. :wink:




If I recall

  • one study said lockdowns did not help at all
  • one study said lockdowns did not help except in big cities, and
  • one study said lockdowns did not help beyond the first 4 months or so.
  • numerous studies said shutdowns and masking did nothing except “flatten the curve.” Over any extended period same number of people would get COVID including severe/terminal cases

The actual results in Africa seem to indicate that at least one of the above is probably true.

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Thanks Fauci

I didn’t hear anything about this? I wonder why?

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While I believe libs would be flocking to Twitter and most lib networks would be celebrating this if it was a conservative reporter. We shouldn’t stoop to that level and he deserves his privacy even if he wouldn’t provide the same in return.

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Perhaps because blood clots following surgery and subsequent heart attacks were a common health problem long before there was Covid and Covid vaccines.

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It’s the frequency that appears to have ticked up…enough that I believed I was seeing that before it was mentioned and started a thread on it back in October of last year.