The RINO's who Voted to Give the DNC a Never Ending "Insurrection Investigation" for Political Reasons:

They are better defined as being disloyal Americans and part of our GLOBAL GOVERNANCE CROWD and ought to be punished for joining our socialist revolutionary crowd.

Let us never forget how their kingpin leader joked, before the Council On Foreign Relations, about threatening to withhold U.S. tax dollars to a foreign government if they didn’t stop investigating his son’s corrupt business deals.


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of darkness.___Supreme Court Justice William Douglas

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This is a lie and misrepresentation the US and it’s allies over what happened.


Baseball bats and inch and a half diameter hardwood dowels for “flagpoles” but yeah, unarmed. You might think different if one of them was swinging it at you.

With so many questions one would have thought that every single Rep would have voted in favour of the inquiry.

You mean Biden was lying here?




The first thing investigated should be why Ashli Babbitt was killed.

Anything else is a political distraction.


Don’t you have the truth?


…and there’s no question about it! Why?

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She wouldn’t have been shot on the 6th January, 2021 if she wasn’t at the Capitol building.

Those that voted for this, now take responsibility that this investigation is fair, impartial and actually seeking the truth. If not, they’ve exposed themselves as pure establishment and their constituents will then hopefully send them packing?

No, the characterization that it was in any personal interest. That was the official policy of the US and it’s European allies and Biden was the US representative carrying out US policy.

She had a right to be at the capitol building. We are not subjects.


Does the corollary apply?

She did not have a right to climb in through a smashed out door glass at the head of an angry mob attempting to violently disrupt one of the most important functions of congress.

Nor did either one of us say she did, we both said “at”.

Now that we have that cleared up, none of those is a capital offense, even in the capitol building.


Oh…we’re back to…that’s different? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


With the whole of congress in the next room? Literally? Painful as it is to say it, I can’t fault the officer who shot her.

Yes, literally not capital offenses.

How do you know it was an “officer”?

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Well yeah.

Just a catch all term. Security dude was more typing, but I think they admitted that much, that he was a member of the Capital police. I could be mistaken.