The republicans deserve this. BLOOMBERG WANTS HILLARY!

Sorry, NO CAN DO. The 12th Amendment prohibits a president & VP from the same state. Drudge is smoking some might strong ■■■■■

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Who has standing to challenge it? Keeping in mind the courts ruled repeatedly American voters had no standing to challenge the constitutional eligibility of a candidate in the courts.

Nah she sucks…real Americans will vote her down, remember?

Democrats wanted to go up against Trump because he was an easy win, how do you feel about that now?

Didn’t even think of that.

Bloomberg is originally from Boston.

He can move back to Massachusetts.

So you’re scared of Hillary now?

Nothing prohibiting them from being from the same state. Just a punishment from the electoral college in that electors can’t vote for someone from their own state. And of course they can simply have one of them register to vote in another state to correct that deficit, not like they can’t afford to move. As Bush Cheney did, they were both from Texas in the run up, Cheney registered to vote in Wyoming, problem solved.

I just saw the thread and was about to bring up the 12th amendment. Seems that resolves that.

Interesting read.


Yes one of them will move.

Neither of them are New York natives to begin with.

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Well, THAT is a winning ticket :rofl:


So you are giving advice to Trump supporters? How cute! Would you like some advice from Trump supporters? :man_shrugging:

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Not a chance. It’s my most attractive quality and the reason I’m like a tree. Very Poplar. :sunglasses:

Scary actually.

Falling for it?

Hildawg. The Gift.

Liberal are not keen on Bloomberg to begin with.

If Mikey wins… I sense an assassination coming on…? Just sayin…:sunglasses:

From your fingertips to bloombergs eye’s.