The Republicans are missing a GOLDEN opportunity

I don’t understand what the discussion is here. H.R. 2 had a number of items that were going to be non-starters for the Democrats. So they designed a bill that is D.O.A. with House Republicans. So why discuss any bill that won’t go anywhere as is? Immigration reform has expanded why too far IMHO.
I think that smaller sections might have a better chance of discussion to agreements.

Neither did the one they tried to just push out it didn’t get out of the senate. The country outside of their base doesn’t trust democrats on border security.


The dems want a permanently open border with a clause in there to prevent Trump from being able to reverse it.

They sure do want to destroy this country!

False statement and you know it. It is becoming such a weak talking point but I hope the Republicans stick with it. The voters know the difference.

Stop him when he gets to Mexico.

Why a bill? Biden would veto it. The only thing needed is for the next president to restore the Trump policies.

Back on topic:

There is zero chance that the democrats will support a budget neutral Ukraine package. Let the republicans offer it and the democrats reject it.

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The voters know that the democrats don’t want to shut down the border. Your problem is the bill the democrats in the senate wrote proves to the voters that the democrats want open borders.

So Schumer and McConnell work together as never before. And the Democrats ask Republicans and Independents to weigh in on the contents of the bill. And now it is being reported that Trump wants the border to be a campaign issue and for Republicans not to do anything to support a bill.

Your problem is trump has no say. So you can stop trying to blame trump for the democrat’s mess.
Every GOP senator and house member has to answer to the voters who elected them. If their voters hate the democrat open border bill then they better listen to them. Or they can join liz.
Maybe Schumer needs to really pass a bill to shut down the border instead of passing a bill to legalize allowing millions to cross the border.
The democrats own what is happening on the border. Seems from what they have tried to pass they are fine with bidens open borders.

It’s weird. Current immigration laws would put allowable illegal entry at 0 if it was enforced.

Why is 5,000 more law breakers a day more desirable than 0?

Because the left wants open borders and more illegals.


Why do you believe they will shut down the borders after 5000 invaders? They could do that now if they wanted to.
As for your question. Your phone has a calculator.