The Republicans are missing a GOLDEN opportunity

how much money (normalized to US amounts) are other nations in the area funding Ukraine?

I prefer a bill that ends the massive migrant invasion, not a bill that encourages it the more.
Nor is a few Republican dupes “bipartisan”. If it were truly bipartisan, it would be law now. A bad law, but law.


Now you knew that wasn’t going to happen.

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Can you not understand when it says that the border can only be “closed” like this a certain numbers of days a year? That means all the migrants have to do is time their invasion for days it is mandated to be open. You don’t think the coyotes can’t figure that out?
Further, current law allows for having migrants required to stay in third countries (I.e. stay in Mexico) now. The new law provides nothing as far as closing the border that is not already available. In fact, it would limit the authority of a President who really wanted to close the border to do so.


Edit - misread.

NPR’s budget is $300M. The Corporation for Public them less than 1% of that. So we wet the Democrats choose on less than $3M?

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That’s the same stupid ■■■■ the senile, dementia addled, blithering idiot is trying with inflation. ‘Look, you are only paying $6 for a dozen eggs now. That’s down from $8 so you should be touting how wonderful it is and how we are making the economy soar. Don’t pay attention to the fact you paid less than $2 just 3 years ago.’

Same ■■■■ different issue. Stop the gaslighting ■■■■■■■■■ We all see it and have rejected it.


I am with you on that.
WHERE is Nato.
This all started because of NATO.
Let them deal with ‘Putting’. :wink:

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Logic doesn’t matter. Sheep to be herded.

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That’s right. :+1: If they are so concerned with ‘putting’ :grin: let them deal with him.

5000 is more than 1.

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Biden doesn’t need a new federal immigration law already gives him the ability to close the border.


The GOP can hold up the immigration bill the house passed months ago that the senate won’t bring to a vote or even discuss to show the democrats really don’t care about the border.
They are working on passing another immigration bill what’s going to be your excuse when the senate tosses that bill in the trash?
You all own what has happened on the border. All the GOP has to do is hold up the democrats open door bill and say if they can shut the border after 5,000 a day have entered. They can shut down the border so no one enters.


Why do you keep bringing up H.R. 2? From the get-go it had no chance to pass the Senate.

Well. If this bugs the libs, I Know I’m on to something good!
Tanks a lot. :crazy_face:

See what I did there?

We don’t. But why not let the dems decide not to fund him? I personally hope he dies tomorrow and every Russian invader is swallowed up by an Earthquake.

No. I expect you to not make dumb assumptions about things I didn’t say. Do you have a problem with dems vetoing Ukraine aid?

You didn’t? Who is “we”?

No, why would I? “Vetoing”?

All over the page here. Try breathing into a paper sack.

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Why do you keep bringing up the democrat senate bill when it had no chance of passing the house. Seems the democrats really do want open borders. Because here we have you praising them for not even discussing the house bill.

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