The Republicans are missing a GOLDEN opportunity

Putin must be opposed. If we don’t stop him in Ukraine, then where? The question is how? Easy peasy. Just make it budged neutral. Send the democrats a list of programs and worthless spending that the republicans will agree to end or cut in order to offset Ukraine funding. Ask them flat out. Which is more important, funding NPR or buying armor piercing rounds for Ukraine. Let them choose.


Why oppose putting? It is an essential part of golf. :wink:


I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Care to comment on my brilliant idea?

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I would end spending on NPR and Ukraine myself.

We have pissed away hundreds of billions on Ukraine border security and refuse to even build a wall on our border.

We are essentially broke ourselves.


:rofl: Good…good!

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But you can’t get both. Zero chance. But if we can exchange NPR for 100 flaming Russian tanks, that’s a no brainer in my book.

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I prefer brilliant. But Good will do.

I think you missed my point a little. The democrats will never agree to cut any of their precious programs. They would agree to boil Shifty Schiff in oil first. So when Ukraine falls, the Republicans can blame the democrats for failing to fund Ukraine.


Yes…you should run with this. People always have sympathy for the hostage taker. :rofl:

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why do WE have to stop him?

(we should stop funding npr period)


Are we talking: give me what I want or I let in millions of more unvetted migrants?


You expect Putin to invade the US? When?

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You had a bipartisan immigration bill. You let Trump kill it.

Which would have done nothing to slow the flow.


Is 5,000 less or more than 10,000?

Doesn’t matter, can’t be counted, remind us what people would not be counted in that 5k. it has to be 5k or more for a week straight. Who is gonna count? And they can only use that authority for so many days. Now tell us how will the smugglers get around the 5k a day for a week? Be honest.


It was 5,000 per day through legal ports of entry. It would have eliminated catch and release and when reached would have cut the number to 1,400. You let Trump kill a bill that would have been an improvement over the status quo all because he desperately needs to be president. That and he scares the crap out of house Republicans.

The head of the border control and its members endorsed the bill. They admit it was not perfect…but much better than what we have now.

Abortion and the Border issues just might be what takes down the pubs in Nov. including Trump.

House Republicans have to justify killing a border bill while impeaching Mayorkis. The ads write themselves. :grin:

Wrong, perhaps you should read up on it. That would be even worse. that would mean the bulk of 10k now coming illegally would not cout in the total.

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