The Republican Party post Trump?

Or not owning a dog.

I agree with you here, although let’s be clear it’s not like most of the country is in love with today’s open borders, high taxes, wealthy elite, socialist Democratic party.


Assuming Biden has this, it will be interesting to see what great new pressures Biden is going to put on Russia. They must really be something because we have been informed for four years now that Trump was Biden’s puppet (or something more gross). So what is the new squeeze that Biden is going to put on Russia…and is he going to force them to give back the Crimea and eastern portions of Ukraine? I am expecting some real action here, now that we have a President that isn’t Putin’s puppet.


It probably depends on how much money they pay his son. 10% for the Big Guy, of course.


Meh - I don’t really care about whatever may happen with the democratic party. I’d just as soon do away with political parties altogether for all the good they have done us.

Hell, after the last 4 years, I’m almost to the point where I’m done with politics.

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What type of agenda and/or policies would do that for you?


When the real RINOS come out



A return to long term fiscal responsibility. Not the Borrow and spend that they do now.

Drop the culture war.

That would be a good start.

In your mind what exactly are the “conservative roots” you speak of?

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That’s the thing, what is Trumpism minus Trump?

They weren’t spending too much before Trump showed up? They weren’t complaining about cultural trends they didn’t like before Trump? Because my memory says otherwise. There is no Trumpism to hide behind if he is out.


I’m sure Putin must ■■■■■■■■ in his pants at the thought of standing face to face with old and frail brain dead Joe.:rofl:

You really think that’s appropriate?

In case you missed it.

a scene from a Jim Carrey kid movie? I agree it’s disgusting

It was always there. Trump just exploited it, gave it a face and a name. Now it’s moved from the fringe right to the dominant sect.

Biden is talking crap that the right is not his enemy.
I beg to differ. I am certainly his enemy. I didn’t say obama is not my president.

Biden or Harris will never be my president since they stole the election. They are NOT legitimate. Never will be.

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Bullcrap, you have never been a conservative IMO.

If you vote Biden you presently are a socialist.

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Show the evidence, or else this is just whiny codswallop.

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You already know so I’m not wasting my time.