The Rending of the Government Fabric?

No, there isn’t. There absolutely is not any such thing as “government money”, the government does not produce anything from which to earn.

The non-partisan discussion. Ignoring the usual hacks of course.


Fine. Government spending. I was referencing government spending.

Ah yes i am sorry about that.

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Yet still taking. Is that for you to decide? Do I owe you a “good life”?

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Government spending my money.

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No you don’t but if i can now get a job and support my family i can pay you back rather than continue to take more and more

How can you pay me back?

I think that you are framing it in the wrong way.

The idea that one “taking” form the system only to “pay” back later is a false take imo.

All people benefit from the economic activity produced by labor. If there is a down turn in the economy or a shift in industry that cause a disruption to the workforce, the government stepping in to fill the gap is in the long run the least expensive way to navigate through an event like that.

People who take ownership of their tax money and who like to pretend that paying taxes is some sort of special status in this country have a fundamental misunderstanding (perhaps on purpose) of how government actually operates in this country. It isn’t a new view though. It was carefully crafted and supported by the same oligarchs who captured the GOP in the post Civil Rights era using the economist Jame Buchanan’s “Calculus of Consent” as the touchstone to push radical supply side economics into the mainstream and we have been living with that philosophy since.

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Do I owe you a “good life”?

This might be a better question than it appears at first glance.

There seems to be a vast group of citizens who believe I, or the government, or I through the government, owe a fellow citizen a “good life”. The life they “deserve” (want).

That the central government has some sort of obligation to provide that “good life” and to take from me to provide it for you.

I don’t understand that mentality. I don’t know where it came from. Is it from the general welfare clause? If it is, that is a very low information view and demonstrates an ignorance of the very purpose of the Constitution.

Is it rooted in collectivism? Religion?

And can this failure (government can’t give anyone a “good” life) be contributing to the dissatisfaction of the proletariat with centgov?

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If “government” was using its own resources, I would agree. “Government” doesn’t have resources.

Least expensive for whom? Who decided that? What if I don’t want “least expensive”?

It’s not “least expensive” for me. Not even collectively.

I would question how you know this is true.

What type of calculation have you done to come to that conclusion?

Least expensive for me is zero. Do I owe you anything?

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But you wouldn’t ever pay zero.

silly, it is the function of state governments under our constitution and system, not of the fed

For social programs? Why not? Do I have an obligation to you?


Based on what?

You pay for a lot of things that you don’t realize your even paying for.

Globalization and technology did that more than any other factor.

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Over and over we see more prosperity when the government distributes resources that it owns out to the populous than doing nothing.

The history of the US is time after time, the government giving away free stuff.

The idea of personal ownership of tax money, or that paying taxes makes one special is rather silly.

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