The removal of the speaker is an example of MAGA politics

…the lib way.

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Its objective reality.

Their programing has more conservatives, fewer liberals than in the past. The repeated thems of the day are more extreme right, where as in the past, they were center right.

You don’t thin Trey Gowdy is a conseravtive?

Who cuts his check?

The news isn’t all bad.


Yes or no? Conseravtive?

He is biased due to who cuts his check. He doesn’t want to be Tuckerized.

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ousting Mccarthy is superior to having the continuity of peolosi.

do tell.


**Absolutely untrue. **

Quite the opposite.

jordan dumber than a bag of rocks


That is funny that the story of lesser interest to me came up in the header. This is the part that was good…

As one of his first acts as the acting speaker, Rep. Patrick McHenry ordered former Speaker Nancy Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday, according to an email sent to her office viewed by POLITICO.

“Please vacate the space tomorrow, the room will be re-keyed,” wrote a top aide on the Republican-controlled House Administration Committee. The room was being reassigned by the acting speaker “for speaker office use,” the email said.

McHenry, a close McCarthy ally, was first on his list to become acting speaker after the Californian was booted in a Tuesday afternoon vote.

Only a select few House lawmakers get hideaway offices in the Capitol, compared to their commonplace presence in the Senate.

McCarthy alone could not do that.

Jim Jordan to step in as a reliever?

I would love it and it would set the Dems back on their heels. Not so sure he could get the Reps to vote in unison.

I find this turn of events very interesting…not at all chaotic.


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…a toast to…“irony”…cheers! :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


it’s good that McCarthy was ousted and it is the Democrats fault.


I call it short sided and shallow thinking.

Almost like they were duped.

Blamed can fit also.


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Short Sighted by whom? Democrats or Matt Gaetz?

Everyone including and especially Dems who are too monolithic.

Why do it?

Pelosi gave the last guy a hideaway office for as long as he wanted it.

How is this making anyone’s life better? What does it matter?


You should NEVER work with the dems, and to punish you for it, I will work for the dems!

Listen to the cheers!!!

Democrats not helping McCarthy keep the seat because Matt Gaetz needs attention and threw a temper tantrum is their fault.

This is the wild thing… no matter what… it is always the Democrats fault. The GOP can’t keep together a coherent message or policy… Dems Fault. Extreme faction within the GOP ousts the majority leader… Dems Fault.

Everything is Dems fault.



We are happy that McCarthy is gone but mad at the Dems for doing it.


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