The removal of the speaker is an example of MAGA politics


It was the GOP who couldn’t get together on the CR or Budgets, requiring the speaker to enlist Dems to avoid a shut down.

And it’s pretty crazy for you to expect the opposing party to save your leadership.

Can you imagine what you and other conservatives would say if a GOPer voted to save Nancy Pelosi’s position?

Wow. Blaming the dems for this is next level delusion.

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Point 3 of the OP.


Are you happy McCarthy is out?

The MAGA wing will not acknowledge that governance requires work. It’s all a game to them. Can’t handle real world troubles because they just can’t stop playing.

Even Trump got tossed out for playing a full-time clown in a serious situation. Gaetz and his crew will meet their filters the same way.

Heard Trey Gowdy blast Gaetz for this on Fox this AM.

A tad more accurate is that Democrats worked with MAGA folks to oust the speaker.

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Gaetz needed the dems to oust McCarthy. True or false?

Who is better off because of Gaetz’ actions?

The GOP? The country?


FOX who? Oh yeah, the channel that now is tied with MSNBC. Maybe Fox needs to look in the mirror before it’s too late?

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Gaetz introduced this to the floor. True or false?

Can’t answer a simple True of False question?

Got it.

You’d have to think really big to comprehend the answer so…let’s just move on. K? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Just give me a headline.

The left loves to pretend like Fox is still conservative.

About half of the folks there now are about half lib especially in the day time.

Our esteemed host is still conservative but many others…not so much.

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If Gowdy, of all people, becomes a retired oldhead criticizing the young players, that will be hilarious.


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As a liberal leaning american, I promise you, Fox is actually moving further right.

I think the dissonance is coming from the fact that the definition of ‘conservative’ is changing.

Trey Gowdy is as conservative as they come. But because of this infighting, you have to pretend he’s not becuase you want to support Gaetz because he supports Trump.

But Gaetz is against McCarthy, and McCarthy supported Trump too!

Now what??

So Gaetz ousting McCarthy makes your party better because Superman.

Thanks. That explains alot.

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You’re the perfect lib, telling a conservative that Fox is moving further in their direction. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: